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Last Atualizado 2017-01-08 por Martin Kay.24Option, fundada em 2009, é uma verdadeira opção binária pioneiro 24Option é propriedade da Rodeler Ltd Rodeler Ltd é uma empresa que opera sob Chipre Securities Exchange Commission CySEC número de licença 207 13 A sede da empresa está localizada em Limassol, Chipre CY-4103 em 39 Kolonakiou Street, FREMA PLAZA, Primeiro Andar, Ayios Athanasios Em cima da licença CySEC, 24Option A Rodeler Ltd também está registrada junto à British Financial Conduct Authority FCA desde 04 12 2013 e Rodeler BaFin na Alemanha. Fora da área econômica européia, os serviços da 24Option são oferecidos pela Richfield Capital Limited, uma empresa pertencente ao mesmo grupo que a Rodeler Limited E é regulado pela Comissão de Serviços Financeiros Internacionais de Belize número IFSC 60 440 TS 15-16.Is 24Option um Scam.24Option não é um scam 24Option foi regulamentado em 2013 sob A regulamentação CySec Isso significa que o dinheiro depositado para o provedor é seguro Para obter mais informações sobre o regulamento de opções binárias consulte o link fornecido 24Option regulamento é, naturalmente, a principal razão pela qual 24Option foi feliz adicionado à lista de não scam corretores, no entanto, e Don t get me wrong - apenas porque um corretor é regulamentado, não significa que ele doesn t chupar Como os nossos leitores já sabem, existem mais de um binário opções corretores que sugam, apesar de ser regulado Felizmente, que não é a única razão 24Option foi adicionado à nossa lista de não-scam corretores 24Option tem uma interface de usuário grande eo processo de negociação ea navegação geral são simplesmente grandes O processo de negociação é fácil de usar e os gráficos ao vivo estão disponíveis clicando no recurso Se um comerciante Quer examinar o recurso mais de perto, s ele doesn t necessidade de navegar para outras páginas um clique sobre o recurso guia irá aparecer uma pequena janela apenas acima do activo com informações por Yahoo e outras fontes Estes grandes Vantagens de 24Option fez esta empresa um dos melhores corretores de opções binárias lá fora 24Option melhorou muito desde que eles foram fundados, a plataforma foi re-concebido, o número de ativos aumentou e ficar atualizado parece ser a sua ambição. Corretor sempre manteve um tráfego acima da média para o seu site e isso vai além de mostrar que eles são uma empresa legítima, fazendo negócios de forma profissional O tráfego para corretores scam tende a cair quando as pessoas percebem que estão sendo jogados, Tráfego para 24Option é outra indicação de que eles não são um scam. Editor s Note - Por 24Option DOESN T Suck em 50 Words. Some corretores de opções binárias são apenas um Scam, alguns apenas Suck 24Option é um membro da lista exclusiva de corretores considerados como sendo Altamente respeitado e verdadeiramente inspirador Graças à regulamentação CySEC podemos revogar qualquer suspeita de um embuste por 24Option e uma plataforma de negociação atraente e fácil de usar com um bom serviço ao cliente torna 24Option um uso Depois de tantos anos na indústria, eles foram um dos primeiros corretores a surgir na cena de opções binárias, podemos com segurança dizer que eles provaram o seu valor e se tornaram um parceiro confiável para os comerciantes e investidores em todo o mundo. Por que 24Option Suck em 50 Words. The primeira questão vem à mente é realmente uma má notícia para os clientes dos EUA 24Option já não servir clientes dos EUA devido à regulamentação na UE Engraçado como boas notícias para os clientes da UE é menos bom para os clientes EUA Alguém disse EUR USD Outra coisa que eu realmente não quero abordar como uma questão é desde 24Option tornou-se totalmente regulamentado o retorno médio diminuiu com 2 No entanto, o regulamento em si é uma grande vantagem Além disso, 24Option ainda oferece retornos tão elevados como 88 para que eu possa t Realmente dizer que este é um problema. Devo abrir uma conta com 24Option. Since seu lançamento, 24Option s inovadora, totalmente baseada na web plataforma manteve crescendo lentamente, mas inteligente, proporcionando aos investidores com as ferramentas adequadas e mais simples necessidade Ed para trocar opções grande interface de usuário, o processo de negociação é fácil de entender e os gráficos ao vivo estão disponíveis clicando no recurso Se um comerciante quer examinar o bem mais de perto, s ele doesn t necessidade de navegar para outras páginas um simples Clique na aba de ativos irá aparecer uma pequena janela logo acima do recurso com informações do Yahoo e outras fontes Estas grandes vantagens de 24Option fez esta empresa um dos melhores corretores de opções binárias lá fora 24Option melhorou desde que foram fundadas, a plataforma tem Foram redesenhados, o número de ativos aumentou e ficar atualizado parece ser a sua ambição. Há mais de 100 ativos para os comerciantes para escolher e da plataforma TechFinancial usado por 24Option torna mais fácil manter as coisas organizadas Eu realmente achei isso Plataforma muito fácil de usar do que a maioria das outras plataformas Depois de se acostumar com isso, a plataforma TechFinancials fornece uma solução melhor para a maioria dos tipos de investidores, aqueles que trocam o tempo todo em um fosco R de segundos eu chamo esses investidores loucos o tipo de alto risco alto lucros, e aqueles que preferem o comércio mais conservador Ambos os tipos de investidores encontrarão o muito atraente In-the-Money retorno extremamente gratificante-até 88 in-the-money eo Possibilidade de fechar uma negociação antes de expirar para garantir lucros Os retornos médios são satisfatórios, mas lembre-se que eles mudam dependendo das condições de mercado e volatilidade Também nunca se esqueça que os investidores podem perder todo o seu capital também Estes retornos atraentes estão entre o número líder na A única desvantagem é o investimento mínimo relativamente elevado de aproximadamente 24 para a maioria dos activos, mas ao contrário da maioria dos outros corretores de opções binárias os investimentos mínimos mudam de activo para activo, o que poderia limitar os iniciantes No entanto, 24Option fornecer uma demo para que os novatos poderiam primeiro comércio virtual Dinheiro e só então investir para real Outra desvantagem ligeira preocupado com iniciantes é o depósito mínimo acima da média 250 I u Sually preferem os corretores que aceitam quantidades mais baixas do depósito mínimo, mas no caso de 24Option, eu posso definitivamente dizer que vale a pena, devido à regulamentação 24.Option 24Option tornaram-se parceiros oficiais com Juventus Football Club e isso aumenta a sua credibilidade e alto perfil Yea , 24Option é uma prateleira superior bem respeitado corretor, mas a confirmação adicional nunca fere, então se você é um fã de futebol e um fã de opções binárias, você está em um deleite Oh quase esqueceu se você é um fã de tênis você vai ser feliz em saber que Boris Becker e 24Option trazem-no atualmente uma competição com a possibilidade ganhar 100.000 USD assim começ seus dedos negociando prontos porque não está indo durar para sempre para estar ciente, os investors podem perder todo seu capital. Seu grande serviço de cliente faz a 24Option uma casa mais morna às opções binárias Comerciantes, para não mencionar o regulamento, que é uma grande vantagem em seu próprio 24Option permite que os comerciantes para investir tanto quanto 100.000 em um único comércio, isso significa que este corretor não tem Problema de pagar altos retornos Para tornar as coisas mais interessantes, 24Option oferece prêmios em dinheiro até 100 000 para os principais comerciantes da semana. 24Option Broker Reclamações. Fazer a pesquisa para você Estamos procurando queixas de corretor s em toda a web, verificando-os e trazendo os resultados para os nossos leitores O que fizemos é realmente simples que procurou no Google para queixas 24option ou fraude 24options, golpes, Etc você pode tentar Ele também é inacreditável, mas nós não poderíamos encontrar nem mesmo uma queixa real sobre 24option. 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Como ultimamente, vimos usuários queixam-se de que os clientes franceses e japoneses não são mais aceitos Isto é devido à regulamentação em Esses países e é realmente uma coisa positiva que 24Option escolhe respeitar a legislação que vimos corretores que continuam a oferecer os seus serviços sem autorização adequada e isso só mancha seu nome.24Option Regulatory Anúncios e Avisos.29 07 2016 Regulador francês Autorite des Marches Financiers A AMF proibiu a 24Option de operar em França A autoridade declarou que, neste caso, parecia que o prestador Rodeler Limited não cumpriu, em França, com algumas das suas obrigações de fornecer informações correctas, bem como de agir de forma justa e honesta, em O melhor interesse de seus clientes, em detrimento dos investidores residentes ou estabelecidos na França. Veja o aviso AMF.24Option Bonus. Bonus Bonus e bônus, todo mundo quer um bônus em 24option eles têm um sistema de bônus que eu realmente gosto Por exemplo, se você depositar 5.000 USD e depois receber um bônus de 70 que s 3.500USD, você tem que chegar a um volume de negociação de 50 vezes o bônus não 50 vezes depósito de bônus Quantidade como outros corretores requerem Assim seu bônus será ganhado assim que você alcança cento e setenta e cinco mil USD no volume negociando 3.500 50 175.000 Um bônus ganhado está inteiramente disponível para o uso na troca e pode ser retirado Nós recomendamos fortemente que você verifique Seus termos de bônus e condições. 24 Retiro de opção. 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Hmm eu gosto 24option-lo Foi muito simples e qualquer um pode facilmente entende os comércios, mas quando se trata de tocar nenhuma opção de toque eu encontrei algo duvidoso, porque inicialmente você estava vendo um valor quando você decidir investir em qualquer botão o valor-alvo está mudando por 10po Ints Você pode pensar que o preço pode ter mudado, mas na verdade ele doesn t mudar Eles estavam mudando o valor-alvo para os caras, por favor, tenha um olhar atentamente, enquanto a negociação com toque não toque guys option. thanks para a sua boa information. Hello a todos I ve sido negociado por mais Um ano com 24option Eu acho que eles estão melhorando muito Eu pus 200, então 1300 extra para chegar a ser aconselhado por um comerciante especial Depois de algumas vitórias Eu retirei tudo ok, deixando 700 lucro dinheiro na conta Last august Eu pulei para alcançar o 89 pagar out colocar um outro 10000 Desde então, eu m negociação no comércio 1000 Tem que tirar o meu depósito antes do Natal, não há problema e desde então 18000 com n dificuldade O único problema com 24option é o preço mudou pop-up janela que é um verdadeiro aborrecimento Se você estiver seguindo uma estrita estratégia eu solto entre 4 e 6 WINS por semana e SUCKS Se apenas eles poderiam estar na plataforma Spotoption em vez de Techfinancial, seria um sonho Em todo o caso, eles são confiantes e muito útil quando alguma coisa vai Errado alguns congelamentos chegam alright. Withdrawal não foi tão fácil como eles afirmam que foi recusou a retirada, porque eles alegaram que não tinham prova suficiente da minha identidade Eu forneci-los com passaporte, identificação do motorista, conta de telefone celular, extrato bancário, cópia de foto De cartão de débito com o número apagado fora últimos 4 dígitos Eles alegam que isso não era bom o suficiente e queria mais informações Então, mais tarde afirmou que eles não puderam ler a informação e queria reenviar a informação Isto foi sobre e durante semanas, então um Dia todos os fundos onde ido e reivindicaram I losted ele em 60 seg que negociam que eu usei nunca. Hoje 18Mar2013 eles emitiram-me um email para sua promoção de 75 bônus em cima do depósito Eu estalei a ligação em meu E-mail que emitiram e Ele redirecionou-me para a sua plataforma Depois que eu logado-in, aparece uma mensagem pop-up onde ele diz Seu bônus 75 está esperando clique OK para claim. So eu depositado 250 e esperando que o bônus 75 será adicionado e adivinhar o que ele didn tI imediatamente Iniciou um bate-papo com seus ditos para Me que meu gerente de conta vai me chamar o gerente de conta me chamou explicou que em capaz de reivindicar o bônus, tenho que depositar pelo menos mínimo de 500 GGRRRRRR, mas que o termo 500 não é mencionado em todos os seus e-mail promotion. Hi John , Receio que o depósito de 500 min é mencionado eu também comércio com 24Option e recebeu o mesmo e-mail vários realmente o 500 min é anotado na pequena impressão no fundo é impressão menor do que o resto do e-mail, mas é lá. Alguns muitos comentários e eu ainda não posso fazer a minha mente se é um scam ou não tenho muito rentável 60 seg sistema, mas não consigo encontrar um legítimo corretor que wouldn t dar qualquer derrapagem ou outras coisas fishy. Hi Hugecat, Se você tem um Rentável 60 seg sistema, eu adoraria ouvi-lo o Também, você poderia explicar o que você quer dizer sobre derrapagem Eu comércio com este corretor e como eles Como cada corretor, quando você clica em Comprar há um período de 2 seg, onde você pode cancelar o Comércio, então o comércio é confirmado Eu não sei qualquer corretor que doesn T tem isso, se é isso que você quer dizer Se não, gostaria de ouvir de você. Talvez seu sistema 60sec não é tão grande, afinal, se você não lidar com slippage.24optin é uma farsa, FRAUDE não trabalham com eles , Se você quiser ser enganado ir para ele, é seu dinheiro e vamos ver se bynariotionsthatsuck colocar o meu comentário, se não, é porque eles são do mesmo golpe, outro s fórum s que vai saber sobre it. Hi Carlos, Como é este corretor uma farsa eu usá-los e eles parecem muito bem Se você sabe com certeza como eles estão sendo inadequados ou fradulento, eu realmente gostaria de saber, e assim seria muitas outras pessoas, por favor compartilhe. I espero que você Re capaz de ver o meu comentário e evitar quaisquer perdas de investimento Se você foi um comerciante rentável em sua carreira de investimento, especialmente um comerciante legítimo e bastante experiente, as chances são mais cedo ou mais tarde provável depois de você negociou com eles por vários meses 24option irá declarar sua conta fraudulenta E fechá-lo sem qualquer aviso usando decisões de nível de gerenciamento, excu Como o seu cartão de crédito é fraudulenta, mas você acabou de reservar o seu bilhete de avião, hotéis ou fez algumas compras on-line com ele ou Os IDs que você forneceu não pode ser verificado ainda a sua identificação é um documento emitido pelo governo com uma data válida e assinatura que você acabou de fornecer Para a companhia aérea para a reserva de bilhete bem sucedida acho que é como 24option tornou-se o maior corretor de BO, colocando uma taxa falsa em seu cliente e conficating clientes investiu soma que é real hard-ganhou crédito legítimo também parece 24option contratou um cara aqui Andy Mueller para defender sua fama, mas eu duvido como ele será capaz de responder a mais e mais vítimas scammed por 24option aqui, mais cedo ou mais tarde. Eu prefiro opções horárias para 60s, mas ainda é melhor procurar um corretor verdadeiramente regulamentado que 24option reivindicações Para ser que não é baseado em Chipre grandes problemas de retirada de dinheiro por algum tempo agora. bom senhor eu escrevo meus comentários porque eu acredito neles, eu faço minhas perguntas porque eu quero as respostas que não são contratados por um Yone Há tanta BS por aí que me deixa louco Muita e outra vez eu leio comentários de pessoas que alegam SCAM que são obviamente apenas eles não lendo um acordo inteiro ou e-mail Todas as informações que você poderia querer é nos Termos do Contrato, mas quantas pessoas realmente LER Poucos, em seguida, eles se queixam de ser mal tratado apenas maddening eu comércio com 24Option assim, se alguém lhes chama de scammers, eu quero saber por que é a reivindicação válida Devo encontrar outro corretor Se este corretor ser relatado para Um órgão regulador Se alguém pode realmente apoiar uma reivindicação SCAM com evidência real não apenas comentários vagos, eu quero saber para que eu possa tirar o meu dinheiro de lá Mas isso é quase nunca o caso apenas comentários sem sentido e acusações Eu digo isso em todos Sinceridade, sem malícia pretendida algumas pessoas simplesmente não são brilhantes o suficiente para negociar opções de Forex ou binário e quanto mais cedo perceberem isso, mais cedo eles podem passar para um empreendimento que não lhes convém. Você está fazendo um todo l Ot do sentido As pessoas devem aprender a saber que negócio lhes convém antes de dar um salto Além disso, vou conselhos comerciantes sair suas terras fantasia 85 Retorno sobre o investimento é bom para um ano inteiro, mas você vê os comerciantes que querem fazer isso em apenas 60 segundos Os sessenta Segundo material é uma isca projetado para comerciantes ávidos opção apenas como scalping é projetado para os comerciantes forex ávidos que estão sempre ansiosos para limpar os dólares inteiros em sua conta dentro de poucas semanas Nenhum homem ganancioso pode sobreviver no mercado. Bom, eu acho que posso confiar Você está monitorando 24option até agora os comentários positivos dos clientes Eu tenho ignorado muitos corretores, principalmente devido à questão da retirada e realmente me perturbar eu vou segui-lo. Dear Andy Mueller, que sabe que você não é contratado por 24option qualquer evidência real Não apenas comentários vagos para provar que você não é contratado ou afiliado a 24option no mesmo sentido que você exige que as pessoas scammed por 24option para fornecer provas reais não apenas vagos comentários Como apropriado você acha que é Para fornecer número de cartão de crédito real aqui nesta plataforma para provar um foi realmente scammed. My experiência com 24option é odeio comerciantes experientes que têm através de anos desenvolveu uma profunda compreensão da tendência do mercado e, consequentemente, vai ganhar consistentemente Talvez eles podem tolerar um bom número De ganhos afortunados esporádicos e permitirá as retiradas relacionadas, mas uma vez que sentido você é uma mão velha consistentemente não tendo mais de 2 perdas de 10 comércios, em seguida, sua conta será fechada usando qualquer razão possível No meu caso, eles acusaram-me de usar crédito fraudulento card with which I was able to do some Amazon shopping just before they closed my account The closure was sudden and the decision was from management-level I quite sympathize with the experience from what freeman says February 26, 2013 at 3 31 pm on page 9.However, if you re newbie who are still in the excitement stage, dreaming of the rosy financial success in front of you and eager to get rich fast and neverthe less can withstand to lose several hundred bucks, they would be more than glad to assign you a warm-hearted account manager to help you get started My account manager is called Mark Taylor, who to this date still fails to respond to my inquiry as to what evidence they had to label my credit card fraudulent. Hi Oscar, If someone questions any claim I make, I am more than happy to provide whatever facts and evidence they would like to substantiate those claims The truth is, I very rarely CLAIM anything I ASK questions If you choose to take offence to being asked to back up your claims, then you shouldn t post them I take no such offence as I said, I am HAPPY to substantiate anything I say So 1 Am I hired or affiliated with 24Option No How do I prove that I m NOT something That s kind of hard, it s easier to prove that I AM something, but let me try anyway I was trading iOption until poor customer service and record keeping made me leave them that adventure is chronicled on this site, have a look at iOption comments Would a 24Option affiliate go through that No, makes no sense at all Also, I ve posted comments and questions on various topics here, over the months, on this site, that the adminstrators can verify Those comments and questions clearly show that I am affiliated with no one Have a look about, and you ll see my name pop up all over the place, NEVER ONCE mentioning 24Option 2 If 24Option routinely scam experienced people like you claim, how are they still in business How do they get one of the highest Trusted Brokers ratings on this and many other sites Why are there next to NO valid complaints on the net about this broker Why are there no other experienced traders saying the same thing The answers are obvious background is in Forex and I am an experienced, successful trader But that doesn t mean I am not open to new things, new methods, new trading methodolgies, etc And that includes Binary Options I am fairly new to BOs but NOT to dealing with brokers I have had no issues with this broker and that is also reflected in the overwhelming number of positive comments right here in this thread, from people all around the world What I do see, Oscar, in the few negative comments there are including freeman s , is consistent the writer obviously has not thoroughly read the Terms and Conditions and or their complaint doesn t tell the whole story and they choose to leave out some crucial detail. I ve asked you to substantiate your serious claims, but you can t, so I will file your comments as Not Useful You ve continued to not tell the whole story and frankly, I no longer care I will carry on doing business with this broker, happily, and will stop posting arguements here as it seems to serve no purpose. My 24option account was closed suddenly on Mar 19, 2013 without prior notice, by a completely false charge of using fraudulent credit card Interestingly, I was planning of withdrawing for the first time either on 19th or 20th. I talked to the live agent of Anyoption and think they re pretty good I haven t contacted Stockpair but possibly Stockpair is also good since there is almost zero negative feedback on them on this forum. I have an account with 24option They said me that, different by many other brokers, they make real orders in the real market with my money when I buy an option so, when I win they take an earning of 15-30 , when I loose, they don loose anything This mean that the have not interest in making me loose Do you think this is real. I discovered binary just a week ago I m in the exciting but hard task of starting and choosing a broker I d have gone with traderush but now am considering wanted to check authenticity. I will love to be apart of your compoany but ya ll don t really give me much to work with, And what i mean by thuat it show no number or address to the company so if you would please sent me information where ya ll location. I also belived for quite a while that 24option is a great broker Till I made money At th e moment all my trades get inflated by 3 pips into the trading direction This isn t illegal But proofs that the complete binary option business is a scam I am back to forex. Who else experience price inflation against you by 24options I for one did and many other traders who had won money. Best broker for 60 sec trade, only one with 15 trading options after 8 pm GMT other only 4 and only with 70 return on every option. Am really happy about this your work of consolidating traders who are lost in utter fear of investing in fraudulent brokers Blessed. i tried many platforms BDB, traderush etc and 24options was much better than the other ones a little bit annoying that they ask to send documents right after the deposit but i understand that it is for my financial protection even though i have experience they paired me up with a market analyst that actually showed me like 8 strategies and showed me how to make money out of it withdrawal takes more or less like a week and they never caused mean y trouble with the withdrawal i have been withdrawing from them between 1000-2000 each month for the last 4 months. I like to know how you make money with 24 option I have account there and i can t seem to win at all what is your secret to wining I really like to hear back from you. i have done alittle bit of trading with 24options and my expience has always been good 90 of the time i must amit i lost what i made and my deposit but after doinf some research i should start seeing of winnings, hopfuly anyway i like them and they are very helpful, i wish i had done my research before losing but its not much anyway. I made money And all my trades get inflated by 3 pips,5 pips and next day 10 pips into the trading direction I called them and they fixed after one week all my trades get inflated by 5 pips again I am platinum member. Who else experience this. Hi great to know that u r making all that money with 24option do u have a SPECIFIC strategy how do u make it happen if possible please share with me and help me please thanks. I can only say I am impressed with 24Options Although I am a small trader I still get weekly call from account manager and the regular e-training webinars are fantastic. Signed up for a free account ages ago, was meant to deposit 50 to get that candlegraph trend thingy as promised, and was going to deposit the 200 in to about the free demo account by the way But time and life s hassles made me forget to deposit and am getting calls from 1 broker from a country code 35 everyday even though I told him it was the wrong time when he first we agreed to do the deal I d deposit the money a month later and start. But he seems to ring EVERY night, so I don t answer it or miss his call Is he pushing too hardas he s desperate for a commission some how. Makes me feel it s a scam and is putting me off of 24options As a newbie beginner to it What do you all think. Dear Hama, I see you re coming from the US How is it possible for you to deposit into 24option if they don t a ccept US clients for such long time now The fish stinks from the head. Plot twist the broker called him many times but he didn t pick up the phone All they want to ask is which country he is living in.24option i think has the best flatform u just scroll and all is their in short trade the best so u need suggestion i can help 2.I m looking at investing in Options and came across this site I m a bit confused about receiving Bonus before withdrawal In the example in that section, does that mean that if you invested 1000 and received a bonus of say 250, you need to wager the whole investment bonus to 20 times 25000 or just the bonus amount to 20 times 5000 in order to withdraw. Thank you for your reply.24 option platform is suck You hardly get the price you see after you press the button The platform also cheat to give you a losing price when the market is moving fast Not good for short term and high volatiled time. Aime MATUNDA PERO. Thanks for your review about 24option I m from Democratic R epublic of Congo and I have made my first deposit of 250 USD with them and I have an account Manager who is taking care of me step by step I feel being in the right place and in the right time to start my financial trading binary option venture with 24option just from my residence country. Very reliable in terms of payments I have withdrawn numerous times and each time my money has been sent very quickly money is 1000 secure. This is my true story after been with 24option for the past 1 5years In binary options, most of them lost money and very few will succeed 24option is a good broker when you are losing, however they are even good too if you make money somewhere close to triple your over all investment You will get your money back for sure But the problem with them is when you keep on winning, they start playing games I am getting spread of 2-3 pips on all my trades Remember I am saying complaint not because Iam losing I am happy that I trippled my deposit and received the funds corre ctly to my bank account However dont dream of making it big because they stop you by raising the spreads Remember I am just a standard account type holder I have great strategy where I can win 90 of the trades Now my account manager is saying that I need to upgrade to gold account type by depositing 5000USD and then I will not have spread issue IS THIS HOW YOU TELL TO A CLIENT BUT IAM SURE THAT EVEN WHEN YOU BECOME GOLD OR PLATINUM Account holder, you will get this spread issue If once they noticed you that you will make it big even with small amount because of the strategies, they will catch you. beware of this All the good reviews about 24option is genuine but I am warning only in case you try to make it big they will cheat you. you be willing to share your. Syed thanks a lot my regards to you I wanted to start trading i had chosen bdb to trade and by chance saw this page and read the revues of of traders was shocked to read the truth and then when i 24options and read your revue was a bit satisfied because syed will not give false information brother seriously i want to trade because all the bussiness in Kuwait have come to halt people dont pay thay take months to pay back brother is this broker safe to trade i want to start with basic amount and learn to trade kindly let me know. Spoke to one of there live chat employees this evening 1 month ago they admitted fault based on account freezing and price difference and refunded my 8500 however once finished speaking to compliance who sorted this out for me traded the 8500 got to 11,300 in 2 days and when I went to withdraw my funds was bombarded with calls stating I should leave the funds in as it would damage the managers stats they are very pesausive I did not w ant to do this was forced and with my mental state believed him manager when he said it will be OK well it was not spreads on my platform like wildfire platform freezing and lost the lot then came calls to deposit again and the rest is history they are now aware that I will be coming to there office on the 15 09 2014 as I want all my funds back over the last month some 25,000 with all the goings on I have encountered with them I have booked a one way ticket and have informed them I will not be leaving the country until all my funds are returned to me or I am thrown in jail or the media gets a hold of me for my story there is a saying where i come from in white city England DON T BOTHER TROUBLE AND TROUBLE WILL NOT TROUBLE YOU. If I believe am right I will not quit. I would like to inform all the the above named company s that I wish to withdraw my claim and complaint filed against 24option Rodeler As off the 11 09 2014.The company has communicated with me and provided its feedback to the claims and allegations i have made The company and myself mutually accepted the fact it is in the best interest of both party s to avoid any conflict or dispute in relation to my claims and statements. I and the company 24option Rodeler wish to settle this issue between ourselves. I can CONFIRM as of 11 09 2014 my complaint against 24option Rodeler limited has been RECTIFIED I therefore withdraw all allegations I have placed here in regards to the company Am sorry EVERYONE but cant say anything more than this. I would like to inform all the the above named company s that I wish to withdraw my claim and complaint filed against 24option Rodeler As off the 11 09 2014.The company has communicated with me and provided its feedback to the claims and allegations i have made The company and myself mutually accepted the fact it is in the best interest of both party s to avoid any conflict or dispute in relation to my claims and statements. I and the company 24option Rodeler wish to settle this iss ue between ourselves. So many individuals out there wanting to be a professional trader Wanting the life style The freedom Looking for the right broker winning trades losing trades. Dont give up on your dreams Men Lady s. Dont look to jump over 7ft bars, Look around for 1ft bars that you can step over. Need to stick to trade plan. NEVER, Never, give up PAIN IS TEMPORARY-IT MAY LAST A MINUTE-1 HOUR-1 DAY-EVEN 1 YEAR BUT EVENTUALLY IT WILL SUBSIDE - AND SOMETHING ELSE WILL TAKE ITS PLACE - IF YOU QUIT HOWEVER, IT WILL LAST FOREVER. It is Important to remember that trading success is defined over a large series of trades, not over one or two this means you should not give too much significance to any one trade, and the way to do this is by never risking more than you are comfortable with losing per trade What I mean, is never risk an amount that will stress you out to the extent were you are constantly monitoring your trades Remember to take small losses and and you will have losing trades, its p art of doing business in Forex and Binary. WHERE IS THE MARKETS HEADING If one buys a stock and it goes up congratulations you were very luck to join them And when you buy a stock and it immediately goes down - your wrong We cant beat them whoever the infamous they are, The market has no sympathy the market has no mercy, the market does not know who you are And when your just lucky to be there on the right side DON T THINK YOU RE SMART YOU RE NOT Your LUCKY And been lucky and joining them can be a very rewarding career when you can just admit the fact that you was lucky enough to join them on the up lucky enough to join them on the downs and when you are shot and the markets are going up Or when you are long and the markets going down YOUR WRONG IT HAPPENS Your human, Accept it move on, and tomorrows another day. I traded with 24options for quite a couple of months I would say that their platform and prices are good Their customer service is also good. Everything went well until they reali sed that I was making quite a lot of profit and had about tripled my account Then the problems started They started adding a HUGE spread to every trade I made, such that it became almost impossible to make profit on each trade. I sent screenshots and videos of the issue to their Support and my account manager However, as expected, they claimed that everything was fine, and that price was simply moving quickly. After going back and forth without any success in addition to losing a few trades , I decided to leave. So my advice is, you can trade with them However, if you start to make a lot of profit, start to find alternative brokers. Hello, I would like to ask, they will begin to profit too much for the industry to disrupt your investment amount invested That s when you earn much money, when they would be so. i was having the same problem with 24 option that when time reched zero i was in the money then the calcute expire it was out of money becuse it was 7 10 second after zero to expire i w as very angry i contact live chat he told me to contact the support and give them the trade number i do that and no response until now nothing also 8 out of 10 times they spread my trades i was put the trade at for exampel 1,24567 for put and after i take the treade magicly gose to 1 24575 WTF a lot of times this happend but at first no i took a deposit of 250E and i make them 403 in one day after they see that i was winning they start put spreads and i lost all my money also they seem to say to you theese stories that they tol you that they make money when you make money thats not true actualy i know this from my uncel that he is investor on stock and he makes 100kE to 82kE per month with very long expiriance he dont trust forex or comidities only stocks beacuse stocks have news always for exampel sony tommorow will lunch ps4 thats a sure trade at 99 999 of win that sonys stock will go up tomorow beacuse its years on the system that they create anyway my accaount manager he told me ev ery time i will call you tomorow and nothing he never call me only sometimes and he say that we have a sure trade only if you invest 500 E to that trade i didnt hear him anyway everything i lost i dont care they loose i was doing the casino stradegy called martingale and i was profitable before the spreads in 10 and 5 mins when they oversold or overbought and if the green pass the rsi line thats a 80 win that it go down i will search for a good broker if you know someone 100 legit please tell me my uncel say to me start with penny stocks i will help you but i dont want i read that a lot of peapol had turn 5000 to 2 millions in two years and 24 option do this when they see that you win scammers and i dont recomend them. Hi aggelos, thanks for sharing your experience with 24Options, I was thinking about depositing but now I m scared about it for now I prefer to trade BTC and alt coins which is alike to penny stocks Have you had any experience with another brokers I was thinking about Stoc kpair but are they really legit or do they manipulate the price action aswell it seems there are no brokers who are really modest. Hi goncalo at this im not sure about binary options i think they are all scams first of all they only win when you lose and thats why they dont take a comission legit brokers always take a comission of 4 to 5 euro or dollar to close the trade thay have to keep the one per cent happy so 98 losing for the 1 to be good im very young to say only 22 but a lot of expirianced peopol i know they say penny stock after a lot of reading i will try bitcoin to see also a penny its on my mind about a greek bank called eurobank they 0 25 cent euro their stock if hear some good new for greece i will go for that the strategy its not wait long when it goes at least 1 25 grab the money and go just make the and only in good conditions that for exampel if they say that the imf will go out of greece then its sure. I am with 24 Options for 2 years All is good until I start withdraw my profit They always give me the withdraw amount, but after I make profit for a while, I have found my account has been putted spread on price when I trade I found that I can t never get the price that the platform shows, they always added an extra 7 to 27 pips above or below It means there is no way that you can win with your trading So at the end, I have to close the account Their manager email me and ring me to deposit and trade, but when I mention the spread on my account, they go quiet about it There is no explanation. So if you start withdrawing profit, that is when the fund no longer going back to your credit card, instead of going to your nominated bank account, that is the time you need to watch the price you get on your account If there is spread on your account, it means you will loose no matter how you trade. You can found a similar complaint on youtude Someone actually record the whole trading process when it has been put on spread I have seen it. Christine, you are right I have the same experience I made many videos of their machinations You can not make profit with them Beware of this broker For example. It is a great broker and I am happy to tried and be a happy customer, me and I a friend of mine are very happy with this broker. I was ahead over 7000 00 in 2 weeks trading, then they started manipulating the entry prices I have video proof and sent proof of the manipulation to my credit card company who investigated the trades and found in my favour and refunded my deposit of 10,000 USD.24option is a greedy brokerage firm that make it next to impossible to verify your identity and withdraw your deposit They have no principals, and or ethics Do not deposit money with them until you are fully verified, or you may regret it. Thank you for this honest review I have been trading on a 24option demo account and, in the long term, would like to switch to a life account However, considering the kinds of reviews I am reading here, I no longer think this is a good idea Have you been able to find a different broker that has not been manipulating your spreads. Also, since I am quite new to BO-trading and eager to learn, would you be willing to discuss your strategy with me, i e give me a few pointers as to how you go about deciding on whether to make a trade or not That would be brilliant. Wishing you a great week, Peter. Hello Peter, i been trading binary options about 2 years, i been trying some brokers unfortunately i loss some money con scams I can tell you this site is secure, but on my experience stockpair is better, faster withdrawals, support and the best of all no delays or false entry prices etc, but since november 2014 they modify their policy wich it only accepts in the money or out of the money there s no ties and they lower your profit but even with this i could tell you that I consistenstely take profits and no problems by now Hope my review helps thank you. Every word about the pip spread is true when you click on a trade you see the cu rrent price like 1 7829 then when you open a high trade it goes lower it shows that you bought it at 1 7819 or somewhere in that region Its happens with me everyday that i trade nearly all the time. Just to make it clear it goes against your bid if you go low it buys at a lower price making it harder to get lower than that price and if you go high it does the opposite. im a newbie to all this binery options and live in Mexico Of all the peeps commenting, how many of you started with 250 u s And can honestly say they have made some money I know it s not s get rich quick deal, but in reality I need to know 250 is not much from the states but in Mexico I can pay my rent and feed my family for 2 weeks But with a sick wife I need an extra income resource please lete know Thank you. Can anyone please teach me your trading strategies, I registered with 24options about a year ago by depositing 250, now am all flushed, I thought it was because I didn t practice using the demo, but even now am clos e to flushing it, I don t have any complains about 24options cause am just a very bad trader, am 20 and I would like to learn trading so that by the time am 25 I would at least make some extra cash and help my mom from it I would really really appreciate some help, thanks. Is this Broker have a program in automatic trading system which are used nowadays in making customers investing 2 I want to make an investment not a kind of gambling or game to win, Is this a provider. Thank for the informative review, however if you had to choose between Optionfair and Option24 which broker will you give a higher rating, based on all the information you have gathered. Thank you Best regards. too many good messages, i cant wait to be the nest success story see at the top guys. I just want to say THANK YOU you guys truly are amazing at making us readers and future traders feel at ease I have signed up with 24options and love it fully Thanks alot again guys and GOd Bless Cheers. You mention that these compan ies are registered by the UK FCA but is it more true to say that under EU law since Cyprus has registered them, the FCA has no choice but to register them Also the activities that they are registered with the FCA for are NOT the activities the FCA can regulate ie Gambling The activity that the UK consider binary options are instead of the trading of financial instruments. Hey, does anyone know if 24option is an on-exchange broker Meaning I m not trading against them when I place a trade on their website. I wonder who reviewed 240ption 1 There is no Bonus for a deposit of 250 2 There is no Demo-Account maybe for VIP s only 3 In first place no acceptance under a 1000 deposit Just if you hesitate and tell them, that you think, that it is a lot of money for getting acquainted with a new broker for maybe a few days they let you start with the 250 deposit 4 They work with fixed expiry times 5 Indices don t cover the whole day There are intervals of some hours There are no short expires for ind ices 6 Signals by a computer a pretty unreliable Result for 4 days 60 loss 40 win 7 Newsletter divided in small and VIP-clients Suggested trades are described a bit confusing for Newbies and even hard to follow for more experienced traders 8 Account manager declares, she is working for 600 clients 20 days a week lets say 8 hrs a day and of course most of her time for VIP s that leaves about a minute a month working for your interests.24option is a great broker the best i would say open an account read carefully all terms and conditions and especially the bonus terms and conditions they are 100 legit and honest i am absolutely satisfied with them. OK I did read every word in that page And Thanks to use a easy language so I can finally understand even if I am green to this I am definitely at ease. Will definitely be in at lease try to get my self a trip to Cancun. where are 2015 24Options still the best to trade with, I want to start, I am new to trading pliz recommend the best broker for m e Who is the best broker withdraw fast proof help me tx. I have traded with 24option broker and twice requested my deposit they refunded my broker. Hi, Well let me first say I am not particularly clued up on trading Yes the dream of striking it rich grabbed me, sure I am not alone Well the proverbial cat may be out the bag on 24Option as a non legitimate broker I have not opened an account with them, however if I were 24Option and I wanted to convince people of my authenticity, I surely would not piss of someone who posts information about BO scams Then again as a competitor of 24Option I would love to create a false email address and post comments saying 24Option is a scam Damn Conspiracies Find yourself someone who has done some trading and knows the ropes Let them help you. Hello all, i ve written a review about an the following lines are my verdict. After much scrutiny of 24options, it is safe to say that 24options is a reliable, trustworthy and safe binary broker The range of features provided by 24options is unmatched and their customer support professionals are more than happy to always assist you with any hardship that you face The bottom line is that all the traders must give 24option a try for a soothing and convenient trading experience.24 Option are a very reliable and trustworthy binary option, have tried them and they stand head and shoulders above the rest. I grew up in the car industry and have been in my car sales for more than 3 decades I have no idea about forex trading but I have been searching for information and trading for about a year now After several phone calls from my account manager calls herself Irum , I deposited several thousands of Euros As I have been almost promised that if I invest more I can get more make the story short I deposited 15,000 Euro through out the year I asked many questions about new strategies she tried to imply but she never gave me full answers for my questions Any way, in my expierence this account manager was only l eading me for great I lost totally faith in her and really don t know if I should give my self another try Does somebody know from where can I get real education As I said before I need a beginers guide. Raymond, I had been a FX trader in a major bank Your account manager most probably doesn t have the experience to educate you in FX trading It takes years to understand and to trade profitably When you trade FX you are actually making a call on the economic performance of one country versus another country You need to know the fundamentals, as well as the technical charting not only for FX but for anything that you trade You must also know what are the fundamentals that others are looking at and has it been discounted For example with EUR USD recently the market was fundamentally looking at the stimulus package that European Bank President Mario Draghi was going to announce When you have the fundamental reason for putting on a trade, you have to look at the chart for a entry level The b est way not to lose money is not to make bad trades, the ones that you do not have a strong conviction about it s direction. Do 24option have an autopilot playform for complete novices and is ita good platform to use. Hey friend 24option is one of the best brokers out there but do never accept and use an autopilot system EVEN from a legit broker my advice from my experience.24option looks good, functions well but they have a 5 second computer gap in the trading and the charts The question is this what do they do with that 5 second window which in computer terms is a very very long time Simply put they put it to good use, the same as the Big Bankers do that control the data streams for financial instruments When the computer spots a nice dollar value trade sitting some-where it can swoop down and pick it up by manipulating the charts I sat and watched this in 2014, last quarter - they do this mostly during high trending markets It is quite common for Brokers to do this, some call it spiki ng, swooping would be a better description On the Forex side of things the company 4X-DAT has quite a write-up on their customers experiences, and how 4X-DAT had to supply a solution because the Brokers were trading against their 4X-DAT trading robots A lot of their trading is done without any stop losses at all at present which opens them up to all sorts of opportunities to market manipulators Which is what this post is about, as it happens in any Trading with a data stream. I would like to review what I have just gone through with one of your account manager by the name of Eric Smith I was patiently listening to all stuff he had to say When we were coming to the end of our conversation, I brought up a problem about a withdrawal problem using Skrill He asked me if I wanted to close my account as well as I m looking to withdraw my Money He said he would not want to work with me if I am looking to withdraw my Money as he will not be making a profit What good is making Money if withdrawal is an issue He was very rude The problem with the Skrill verification has been dragging for weeks and it has not been resolved till now He just hung up the phone after saying another account manager will contact me How good is your number 1 rating with such bad service I will be leaving my review everywhere so that people can judge for themselves An account managers priority is to ensure that there are no problems with the clients account Not to be focused on profit and brainwash your clients to put in more money I have a brain of my own to decide when would be the best time to do that Totally unsatisfied with the 24option system Now I will most probably withdraw my money and never come back like I was planning to. 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