Thursday 3 August 2017

Forex Meaning In Bengali

A rupia indiana (código: INR) é a moeda oficial da Índia. A emissão da moeda é controlada pelo Banco da Reserva da Índia. Os símbolos mais utilizados para a rupia são Rs. Ou como Re. Em 5 de março de 2009, o governo indiano anunciou um concurso para criar um símbolo para a Rúpia. A Rúpia deverá obter um novo símbolo após o gabinete decidir o símbolo final. Atualmente, 5 símbolos foram selecionados e fora deles, um deve ser finalizado. A rupia moderna é subdividida em 100 paises (paisa singular). As moedas têm um valor nominal de 5, 10, 20, 25 e 50 paise, bem como 1, 2, 5 e 10 rupias. As notas estão disponíveis em um valor nominal de 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 e 1000 rupias. Na maior parte da Índia, a rupia é conhecida como a rupia, a rupaya (Hindi), o rupiyo em Gujarati. Roopayi em Telugu, Tulu e Kannada, rubai em Tamil, roopa em Malayalam, rupaye em Marathi ou um dos outros termos derivados do Sânscrito rupyakamraupya que significa prata rupyakam que significa (moeda) de prata. No entanto, no Bengala Ocidental, Tripura, Mizoram, Orissa e Assam, a rupia indiana é oficialmente conhecida por nomes derivados do sânscrito Tanka. Assim, a rupia é chamada Taka em bengali, toka em Assamês e Tongka em Oriya, com o símbolo T, e está escrito como tal em notas indianas. Em 23 de junho de 2010, a taxa de câmbio era Rs. 46,27 a US1. Sistema numérico Como é padrão no inglês indiano, os grandes valores das rupias indianas são contados em milhares, lakh (100 mil 105 rupias, em dígitos 100.000), crore (100 lakhs 107 rupias, em dígitos 10.000.000) e arawb (100 crore 109 Rúpias, em dígitos O uso de milhões ou bilhões, como é padrão em inglês americano ou britânico, é muito menos comum. Por exemplo, o montante INR 3,25,84,729.25 é falado como três crore vinte e cinco lakhs oitenta e quatro mil setecentos e vinte e nove rúpias e vinte e cinco paises (ver sistema de numeração indiano). Uso da História na Índia A Índia foi um dos primeiros emissores de moedas (cerca do século VI aC). Acredita-se que a primeira rupia tenha sido introduzida por Sher Shah Suri (1486451545), com base em uma proporção de 40 peças de cobre (paisa) por rupia.4 Entre as primeiras questões de rupees de papel foram as do Banco de Hindustan (1770451832), O Banco Geral de Bengala e Bihar (17734575, estabelecido por Warren Hastings) e o Banco Bengal (17844591), entre outros. Até 1815, a Presidência de Madras também emitiu uma moeda baseada no fanam, com 12 fanams iguais à rupia. Historicamente, a rupia, derivada da palavra sânscrita raupya, que significa prata, era uma moeda de prata. Isso teve graves conseqüências no século XIX, quando as economias mais fortes do mundo estavam no padrão-ouro. A descoberta de grandes quantidades de prata nos EUA e várias colônias europeias resultou em um declínio no valor relativo da prata ao ouro. De repente, a moeda padrão da Índia não podia comprar tanto do mundo exterior. Este evento foi conhecido como a queda da rupia. A Índia não foi afetada pela ordem imperial no conselho de 1825 que tentou introduzir a moeda britânica britânica às colônias britânicas. A Índia britânica na época era controlada pela British East India Company. A rupia de prata continuou como a moeda da Índia durante todo o período do Raj britânico e além. Em 1835, a Índia britânica estabeleceu-se firmemente sobre um padrão de prata mono-metálico baseado na rupia. Sua decisão foi influenciada por uma carta, escrita em 1805, por Lord Liverpool, que exaltava as virtudes do mono-metalismo. Após o motín indiano em 1857, o governo britânico assumiu o controle direto da Índia britânica. Desde 1851, os soberanos de ouro foram produzidos em grande número na filial da Royal Mint em Sydney, Nova Gales do Sul. No ano de 1864, em uma tentativa de tornar o soberano de ouro britânico se tornar a moeda imperial, os tesouros em Bombaim e Calcutá foram instruídos a receber soberanos de ouro. Esses soberanos de ouro, porém, nunca deixaram as abóbadas. Como foi percebido na década anterior no Canadá e no próximo ano em Hong Kong, os hábitos existentes não são fáceis de substituir. E assim como o governo britânico finalmente desistiu de todas as esperanças de substituir a rupia na Índia com a libra esterlina, eles perceberam simultaneamente, e pelas mesmas razões, que não poderiam substituir facilmente o dólar de prata nos assentamentos do estreito com a rupia indiana, Como tinha sido o desejo da British East India Company. Desde a grande crise de prata de 1873, um número crescente de nações adotou o padrão-ouro. Em 1898, seguindo as recomendações do Comitê da Moeda da Índia, a Índia britânica adotou oficialmente o padrão de troca de ouro, colocando a rupia na libra esterlina britânica com um valor fixo de 1 xelínio de 4 pence (ou seja, 15 rupias de 1 libra). Em 1920, o valor real de prata da rupia aumentou em valor para 2 xelins (10 rupias de 1 libra). Na África do leste britânica neste momento, a decisão foi tomada para substituir a rupia com um florim. No entanto, essa oportunidade foi tomada na Índia britânica. Em 1927, a peg foi mais uma vez reduzida, desta vez para 18 pence (13189 rupias de 1 libra). Esta peg foi mantida até 1966, quando a rupia foi desvalorizada e indexada ao dólar americano a uma taxa de 7,5 rupias de 1 dólar (no momento, a rupia tornou-se igual a 11,4 pence britânico). Esta peg durou até que o dólar americano desvalorizou em 1971. A rupia indiana substituiu a rupia indiana dinamarquesa em 1845, a rupia indiana francesa em 1954 e o escudo indiano português em 1961. Após a independência em 1947, a rupia indiana substituiu todas as moedas do Estados anteriormente autônomos. Alguns desses estados emitiram rúpias iguais às emitidas pelos britânicos (como a Rúpia de Travancore). Outras moedas incluíram a rupia de Hyderabad e o Kori Kori. Valor nominal durante o domínio britânico e a primeira década de independência: 1 damidi (torta) 0.520833 paise 1 kani (pice) 1.5625 paise 1 paraka 3.125 paise 1 anna 6.25 paise 1 beda 12.5 paise 1 pavala 25 paise 1 artharupee 50 paise 1 rúpia 100 Paise Em 1957, ocorreu uma decimalização e a rupia foi dividida em 100 naye paise (hindi para novo paise). Em 1964, o naye inicial foi abandonado. Muitos ainda se referem a 25, 50 e 75 paise como 4, 8 e 12 annas, respectivamente, não muito diferente do uso de bit no inglês americano por 189 dólares. Em março de 2009, o Ministério das Finanças da Índia lançou uma competição pública para selecionar um símbolo para a moeda . A rupia na costa leste da África e Arábia do Sul Na África Oriental, Arábia e Mesopotâmia, a Rúpia e sua cunhagem subsidiária eram atuais em vários momentos. O uso da Rúpia na África Oriental se estendeu da Somália no norte, até o sul de Natal. Em Moçambique, as rupias da Índia britânica foram superadas e, no Quênia, a British East Africa Company cunhou a rupia e as suas frações, bem como a pice. O aumento do preço da prata imediatamente após a Primeira Guerra Mundial causou a rupia aumentar em valor a dois xelins esterlina. Em 1920, na África Oriental britânica, a oportunidade foi levada a introduzir uma nova moeda no florim, trazendo assim a moeda em linha com a libra esterlina. Pouco depois, o Florin foi dividido em dois xelins da África Oriental. Esta assimilação à libra esterlina não aconteceu no entanto na própria Índia britânica. Na Somália, a autoridade colonial italiana cunhou a rupia exatamente para o mesmo padrão, e chamou o pice besa. A rupia nos assentamentos dos estreitos Os assentamentos do estreito eram originalmente um valor de fora da empresa britânica das Índias Orientais. O dólar espanhol já havia se apossado dos Straits Settlements quando os britânicos chegaram no século XIX, no entanto, a East India Company tentou introduzir a rupia em seu lugar. Essas tentativas foram resistidas pelos habitantes locais e, em 1867, quando o governo britânico assumiu o controle direto dos Straits Settlements da East India Company, as tentativas de introduzir a rupia foram finalmente abandonadas. Uso internacional Com partição, a rupia paquistanesa surgiu, inicialmente usando moedas indianas e notas da moeda indiana simplesmente superadas com o Paquistão. Nos tempos anteriores, a rupia indiana era uma moeda oficial de outros países, incluindo Aden, Omã, Kuwait, Bahrein, Catar, os Estados da Trucial, Quênia, Tanganyika, Uganda, Seychelles e Maurício. O governo indiano introduziu a Rúpia do Golfo, também conhecida como a Rúpia do Golfo Pérsico (XPGR), como substituto da Rúpia Indiana por circulação exclusiva fora do país com a Lei de Alteração da Reserva do Banco da Índia, 1 de maio de 1959. Esta criação de uma divisão separada A moeda era uma tentativa de reduzir a tensão colocada nas reservas estrangeiras da Índia por contrabando de ouro. Depois que a Índia desvalorizou a rupia em 6 de junho de 1966, esses países ainda a usavam 45 Oman, Qatar e os Estados Truciais (que se tornaram Emirados Árabes Unidos em 1971) 45 substituíram a Rúpia do Golfo por suas próprias moedas. O Kuwait e o Bahrein já o fizeram em 1961 e 1965, respectivamente. O ngultrum butanês está vinculado à taxa com a rupia indiana, e ambas as moedas são aceitas no Butão. A rupia indiana também é aceita nas cidades do Nepal que se encontram perto da fronteira com a Índia. Moedas East India Company, -1862 As três presidências estabelecidas pela British East India Company (Bengala, Bombaim e Madras) emitiram suas próprias citações até 1835. Todas as três emitiram rupias junto com frações para 189 e 116 rupias em prata. Madras também emitiu moedas de 2 rupias. As denominações de cobre eram mais variadas. Bengal emitiu 1 torta, 189, 1 e 2 paise. Bombay emitiu 1 torta, 188, 189, 1, 1189, 2 e 4 paises. Em Madras, havia moedas de cobre para 2, 4 tortas, 1, 2 e 4 paisa, com os dois primeiros denominados 189 e 1 dub ou 196 e 148 rupias. Note-se que Madras também emitiu Madras fanam até 1815. As três Presidências emitiram mohurs de ouro e frações de mohurs, incluindo 116, 189, 188 e 189 em Bengala, 115 (uma rupia de ouro) e 189 (pancia) em Bombaim e 188, 189 E 189 em Madras. Em 1835, uma única cunhagem para o EIC foi introduzida. Consistiu em cobre 112, 188 e 189 anna, prata 188, 189 e 1 rupia e ouro 1 e 2 mohurs. Em 1841, foram adicionados 2 anões de prata, seguidos por 189 em 1893. A cunhagem do EIC continuou a ser emitida até 1862, mesmo depois de a Companhia ter sido tomada pela Coroa. Problemas reais, 1862451947 Em 1862, foram introduzidas moedas que são referidas como questões Regal. Eles levaram o retrato da rainha Victoria e a designação da Índia. As denominações foram de 112 anna, 189 pice, 188 e 189 anna (todas em cobre), 2 annas, 188, 189 e 1 rupia (prata) e 5 e 10 rupias e 1 mohur (ouro). As denominações de ouro cessaram a produção em 1891, enquanto não foram emitidas 189 moedas anuais em 1877. Em 1906, o bronze substituiu o cobre pelas três denominações mais baixas e, em 1907, introduziu-se um nó de cupro-níquel 1. Em 1918 e 1919, foram introduzidos cupro-níquel 2, 4 e 8 annas, embora as moedas de 4 e 8 annas fossem emitidas até 1921 e não substituíram seus equivalentes de prata. Também em 1918, a hortelã de Bombaim atingiu soberanos de ouro e moedas de 15 rupias idênticas em tamanho aos soberanos como medida de emergência devido à Primeira Guerra Mundial. No início dos anos 40, várias mudanças foram implementadas. O 112 anna e o 189 pice deixaram a produção, o 188 anna foi alterado para uma moeda de bronze, moedas trituradas, cupro-níquel e níquel-bronze. 189 moedas foram introduzidas, o níquel-bronze foi usado para produzir algumas moedas de 1 e 2 annas e A composição das moedas de prata foi reduzida de 91,7 para 80. O último dos problemas reais foram cupro-níquel 188, 189 e 1 peça de rupia cunhadas em 1946 e 1947. Problemas independentes, pré-decimais, 1950451957 As primeiras moedas das Índias após a independência foram emitidas em 1950 . Foram 1 pice, 189, 1 e 2 annas, 188, 189 e 1 rupee denominações. Os tamanhos e as composições foram iguais aos problemas Regal finais, com exceção do 1 pice, que era bronze, mas não agulhado. Questões independentes, decimal, 1957 - As primeiras questões decimais da Índia consistiram em 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 50 naye paise, bem como 1 rupia. O 1 naya paisa era de bronze, o 2, 5 10 naye paise eram cupro-nickel os 25 50 naye paise 1 rupia eram níquel. Em 1964, a palavra naya (e) foi removida de todas as moedas. Entre 1964 e 1967, foram introduzidos alumínio 1, 2, 3, 5 10 paise. Em 1968, foram introduzidos níquel-bronze 20 paise, substituídos por moedas de alumínio em 1982. Entre 1972 e 1975, o cupro-níquel substituiu o níquel nos 25 50 paises e a 1 rupia. Em 1982, foram introduzidas moedas de cupro-níquel de 2 rupias. Em 1988, foram introduzidos aço inoxidável 10, 25 50 paise, seguidos por 1 moeda de 5 rupias em 1992. Recentemente, 5 moedas de Ruptura feitas de latão estão sendo cunhadas pela RBI. Entre 2005 e 2008, novas, mais leves, 50 paises, 1, 2 5 rupias Foram introduzidos, todos atingidos em aço inoxidável ferrítico. O movimento foi motivado pelo derretimento de moedas mais antigas cujo valor nominal era menor do que seu valor de sucata. As moedas comumente em circulação são 1, 2, 5 10 rupias. Embora permaneçam válidas, as moedas de paise tornaram-se cada vez mais raras em uso regular. As moedas são cunhadas nos quatro locais da Casa da Moeda do Governo da Índia. Observe que as moedas de 1, 2 5 rupias foram cunhadas desde a independência. As moedas cunhadas com a Imagem da Mão são 2005 em diante. Em 1861, o governo da Índia introduziu seu primeiro papel-moeda, 10 rupias em 1864, 5 rupias em 1872, 10 mil rupias em 1899, 100 rupias em 1900, 50 rupias em 1905, 500 rupias em 1907 e 1000 rupias Em 1909. Em 1917, foram introduzidas notas de 1 e 2189 rupias. O Banco da Reserva da Índia iniciou a produção de notas em 1938, emitido notas de 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1000 e 10000 rupias, enquanto o Governo continuou a emitir notas de 1 rupia. Questões independentes desde 1949 Após a independência, novos modelos foram introduzidos para remover o retrato do rei. O governo continuou a emitir a nota de 1 rupia, enquanto o Banco da Reserva emitiu outras denominações, incluindo as notas de 5000 e 10.000 rupias introduzidas em 1949. Na década de 1970, foram introduzidas notas de 20 e 50 rupias, mas denotas superiores a 100 rupias foram desmonetizadas em 1978 . Em 1987, a nota de 500 rupias foi introduzida, seguida das 1000 rupias em 2000. Em setembro de 2009, o Reserve Bank of India decidiu introduzir notas de polímero (notas de polímero) em uma base experimental. Inicialmente, 100 crore (1 bilhão) pedaços de Rs. Serão introduzidas 10 notas de denominação. De acordo com os funcionários do Banco de Reserva, as notas de polímero terão uma vida útil média de 5 anos (4 vezes os boletins de banco indianos regulares) e serão difíceis de falsificar. As notas de polímero são mais limpas do que as notas regulares, também. Atualmente as notas circulantes A série atual, que começou em 1996, é chamada de série Mahatma Gandhi. As notas de moedas são impressas na Nota de Nota de Moedas, Nashik, Nota de Banco de Imprensa, Dewas, Bharatiya Note Mudra Nigam (P) Limited pressiona em Salboni e Mysore e no Watermark Paper Manufacturing Mill, Hoshangabad. Cada nota de banco tem sua quantidade escrita em 17 idiomas (inglês hindi na frente e outros 15 na parte de trás) ilustrando a diversidade do país. Os caixas eletrônicos geralmente dão Rs. 100, Rs. 500 e Rs. 1000 notas. Rs. 1000 notas são análogas às notas de maior valor do dólar dos Estados Unidos e ao euro. Nos últimos anos, as notas de banco foram ligeiramente modificadas para incluir ver através do registro no lado esquerdo do anverso. Além disso, o ano agora é impresso no reverso. A constelação EURion foi adicionada a Rs. 100. A Rs revisada. 10, 20 foram emitidos em 2006, e Rs. 50, 100, 1000 em 2005. O RS. 5 notas foram interrompidas de serem impressas, mas começaram novamente desde 2009. Painel de idiomas O painel de idiomas em notas de rupia indiana exibe a denominação da nota em 15 das 22 línguas oficiais da Índia. Recursos de segurança Watermark 45 O painel lateral branco de notas possui marca d'água Mahatma Gandhi. Rosca de segurança 45 Todas as notas possuem uma banda de segurança prateada com inscrições visíveis quando realizadas contra luz que lê Bharat em Hindi e RBI em inglês. Imagem latente 45 As notas denominacionais mais altas (Rúpias 20 em diante) exibem o valor denominacional das notas em números quando mantidos horizontalmente ao nível dos olhos. Microlettering 45 O valor denominacional numérico é visível sob uma lupa entre thread de segurança e imagem latente. Fluorescência 45 Os painéis de números brilham sob luz ultravioleta. Tinta opticamente variável 45 Notas de Rs. 500 e Rs. 1000 têm seus números impressos em tinta opticamente variável. O número aparece verde quando a nota é mantida plana, mas muda para azul quando visualizada em ângulo. Registo back-to-back 45 O design floral impresso na parte frontal e na parte de trás da nota coincide e se sobrepõe perfeitamente quando visto contra a luz. Constelação EURionConvertibilidade Oficialmente, a rupia indiana possui uma taxa de câmbio determinada pelo mercado. No entanto, o RBI negocia ativamente no mercado de divisas USDINR para impactar as taxas de câmbio efetivas. Assim, o regime monetário vigente para a rupia indiana em relação ao dólar norte-americano é uma taxa de câmbio controlada de fato. Isso às vezes é chamado de flutuador sujo ou gerenciado. Outras taxas, como o EURINR e o INRJPY, têm volatilidades típicas das taxas de câmbio flutuantes. No entanto, deve-se notar que, ao contrário da China, as administrações sucessivas (através do RBI, o banco central) não seguiram uma política de indexação do INR a um Moeda estrangeira específica a uma taxa de câmbio particular. A intervenção do RBI nos mercados de câmbio é apenas proporcionar baixa volatilidade nas taxas de câmbio e não ter uma visão sobre a taxa ou a direção da rupia indiana em relação a outras moedas. Também afeta a convertibilidade é uma série de regulamentos aduaneiros que restringem a importação e exportação de Rúpias. Legalmente, os estrangeiros estão proibidos de importar ou exportar rúpias, enquanto os cidadãos indianos podem importar e exportar apenas 5000 rupias por vez, e é proibida a posse de notas de 500 e 1000 rupias no Nepal. A RBI também exerce um sistema de controles de capital além da intervenção (através de negociação ativa) nos mercados de moeda. Na conta corrente, não há restrições de conversão monetária que impedem a compra ou venda de divisas (embora existam barreiras comerciais). Na conta de capital, os investidores institucionais estrangeiros têm convertibilidade para trazer dinheiro dentro e fora do país e comprar títulos (sujeito a certas restrições quantitativas). As empresas locais podem tirar o capital do país para expandir globalmente. Mas as famílias locais são restritas em sua capacidade de fazer diversificação global. No entanto, devido a uma enorme expansão da conta corrente e da conta de capital, a Índia está se movendo cada vez mais para a convertibilidade total de fato. Muitos economistas têm uma confusão quanto ao intercâmbio da moeda com o ouro, mas o sistema que a Índia segue é que o dinheiro não pode ser trocado por ouro, em qualquer circunstância ou situação. O dinheiro não pode ser transformado em ouro pelo RBI. Isso ocorre porque será difícil lidar com isso. A Índia segue o mesmo princípio da Grã-Bretanha e da América. Cronologia 1991 - A Índia começou a levantar restrições à sua moeda. Uma série de reformas eliminam restrições nas transações de contas correntes, incluindo comércio, remessas de pagamentos de juros e algumas transações baseadas em ativos de capital. O Sistema Liberalizado de Gestão da Taxa de Câmbio (LERMS), um sistema de taxa de câmbio dual, introduziu uma convertibilidade parcial da Rúpia em março de 1992. 1997 - Um painel criado para explorar a conversibilidade da conta de capital recomendada na Índia avançar para a convertibilidade total em 2000, mas o horário abandonado em A partir da crise financeira da Ásia Oriental de 1997-98. 2006 - O primeiro-ministro, o Dr. Manmohan Singh, pede ao ministro das Finanças e ao Banco da Reserva da Índia que preparem um roteiro para se mudar para a conversibilidade da conta de capital. O Relatório de Convertibilidade da Conta de Capital Fuller. 2006-07-31. Rbidocs. rbi. org. inrdocsPublicationReportPdfs72250.pdf. Recuperado 2009-01-23. Tem algo a dizer nesta página. Sinta-se à vontade para publicar seus comentários. Limite seus comentários a discussões sobre o assunto do conteúdo. Para denunciar erros ou problemas com o site do ExchangeRate, use nosso formulário de contato aqui. Thank YouBangladesh Bangladesh é um país do sul da Ásia (às vezes convergindo com o Sudeste Asiático), na fronteira com a Baía de Bengala com o Sul, Índia para o Oeste e Norte, e Myanmar para o Sudeste. Embora fora do caminho mais conhecido por praticamente qualquer medida, Bangladesh é povoado por locais amigáveis. Entender a edição A Índia britânica foi dividida por líderes conjuntos do Congresso, toda a Liga Índia-Muçulmana e Grã-Bretanha no verão de 1947, criando os reis da comunidade da República Islâmica do Paquistão e uma República da Índia. Bangladesh entrou em vigor em 1971, quando o Paquistão Oriental falando em bengali se separou de sua união com Punjabi dominado pelo Paquistão Ocidental após uma guerra sangrenta de 9 meses. Embora Bangladesh tenha surgido como um país independente apenas em 1971, sua história remonta a milhares de anos e tem sido conhecida como uma encruzilhada da história e da cultura. Aqui você encontrará a praia mais longa do mundo, inúmeras mesquitas, a maior floresta de manguezais do mundo, aldeias tribais interessantes e uma riqueza de vida selvagem evasiva. Embora relativamente empobrecida em comparação com o crescente país vizinho da Ásia do Sul, os bangladeshis são pessoas muito amigáveis ​​e hospitaleiras, colocando hospitalidade pessoal antes das finanças pessoais. Vestuário pronto, têxteis, produtos farmacêuticos, produtos agrícolas, construção naval e pesca são algumas das maiores indústrias. O fosso entre ricos e pobres é cada vez mais óbvio e a classe média está em rápida redução, como no resto da Ásia, especialmente em cidades como Dhaka e Chittagong enquanto você se desloca entre a cidade velha da classe trabalhadora e os bairros afluentes como Gulshan e Baridhara. Alterar o clima Bangladesh tem um clima sub-tropical de monção. Há seis temporadas em um ano: inverno (dezembro-janeiro), primavera (fev-mar), verão (abril-maio), monção (junho-julho), outono (agosto-setembro) e outono tardio (out-nov ). A temperatura média em todo o país geralmente varia entre 9C - 29C nos meses de inverno e entre 21C - 34C durante os meses de verão. A precipitação anual varia de 160cm a 200cm no Oeste, 200cm a 400cm no Sudeste e 250cm a 400cm no Nordeste. Os ciclones acima da categoria três são incomuns (especialmente no inverno profundo de janeiro a março) - mas, embora raros, ainda podem causar interrupções generalizadas, conforme esperado para a infra-estrutura e cortes de energia, especialmente nas áreas costeiras. O padrão climático é semelhante à Costa do Golfo nos Estados Unidos (Alabama, Mississippi e Louisiana). O clima atual pode ser visto batendo no botão play no seguinte mapa interativo, Current Bangladesh Satellite Weather Radar 1 Paisagem edit. O país é principalmente uma planície baixa de cerca de 144.000 km 2. situado em deltas de grandes rios que fluem do Himalaia : O Ganges se une com o Jamuna (canal principal do Brahmaputra) e depois se junta ao Meghna para finalmente se esvaziar na Baía de Bengala. O país é principalmente terra firme e fértil e, com exceção de Chittagong Hill Tracts. Raramente excede 10 metros acima do nível do mar, tornando-o perigosamente suscetível a mudanças no nível do mar. Ponto mais alto: Bijoy (1.231 metros). Férias editar Datas exatas dependem de observações astronômicas locais e variam de um país para outro. O Ramadã termina com a extensão do festival Eid ul-Fitr durante vários dias. Pohela Boishakh - O festival nacional secular mais famoso do país. Aqui, pessoas de todos os setores da vida participam de vários shows culturais chamados Boishakhi Mela, usando roupas nacionais (kurta ou Shari), comendo doces e desejando a todos o feliz ano novo. Ekushey - Dia nacional da língua materna - 21 de fevereiro. Este dia marca o aniversário dos mártires que morreram em 1952 enquanto protestavam contra a imposição do urdu. Em nome do islamismo. Como a língua materna. As revoltas para apoiar Bangla como a língua materna alimentaram o movimento para o nacionalismo secular que culminou na independência em 1971. O feriado é marcado por (um dos eventos mais coloridos na Ásia) homenagens aos mártires por líderes políticos, intelectuais, poetas, escritores , Artesãos e cantos começando em um minuto após a meia-noite no dia 21. Os escritórios governamentais estão fechados e esperam interrupção do tráfego a partir de 20 de fevereiro. Dia da Independência - 26 de março - Neste dia, o Pai da Nação Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman proclamou a independência de Bangladesh. Dia da Vitória - 16 de dezembro - Neste dia, as forças ocupadas paquistanesas se renderam às forças armadas juntas de Bangladesh. Eid-ul-Fitr - o maior feriado muçulmano do ano, comemora o fim do mês sagrado de Ramazan. A comida é o destaque, e se você tiver sorte você será convidado para uma festa privada para um banquete. As empresas fecham por pelo menos alguns dias, se não uma semana. Eid-ul-Azha - é o segundo maior festival muçulmano. Durga Puja - Quatro dias em torno de outubro. O maior festival hindu no país, continua por vários dias com festividades variando a cada dia. Natal - 25 de dezembro, este é o maior festival da comunidade cristã no país, que é declarado feriado do governo. Uma oração é realizada na Igreja Tejgaon às 23:00 (Hora Local) em 24 de dezembro. Também algumas outras igrejas em Dhaka também organizam orações. Regiões editar Bangladesh é um país muito pequeno, dividido em 7 divisões administrativas: Regiões de Bangladesh O Parlamento Nacional A maioria dessas cidades também são a capital da divisão do mesmo nome: Dhaka - A capital agitada, uma metrópole intensa e próspera de Cerca de 12 milhões de pessoas estão crescendo de dia para dia. Chittagong - um centro comercial movimentado e o maior porto marítimo internacional do país. Mymensingh - uma cidade histórica localizada ao lado do rio Brahmaputa com uma rica história cultural e política que remonta a mais de 200 anos. Khulna - localizado no rio Rupsha, famoso por camarão e ponto de partida para viagens para os Sundarbans. Rajshahi - a cidade de seda. Rangpur - importante cidade no noroeste, com extensa agricultura e comércio. Barisal - Cidade do sul famosa por Paddy crescendo e seus muitos rios, melhor alcançado por um passeio de barco lento e relaxante no Rocket Steamer. Sylhet - a maior cidade do nordeste, conhecida pelo santuário Sufi Santo Hazrat Shahjalal, um dos locais mais sagrados do país. Jessore - uma cidade movimentada do distrito, e ponto de trânsito conveniente para ou de Kolkata famoso por Gur. Uma forma de melaço tipo bolo produzido a partir do extrato da árvore de data. Comilla - (Bengali:) é uma cidade no leste do Bangladesh, localizada ao longo da rodovia Dhaka-Chittagong. É o centro administrativo do distrito de Comilla, parte da Divisão de Chittagong. Comilla é a segunda maior cidade do leste do Bangladesh depois de Chittagong e é uma das três cidades mais antigas do país. Outros destinos editam Coxs Bazar - a praia mais longa do mundo. Bagerhat - um importante centro histórico e local de várias mesquitas, incluindo a famosa Shait Gambuj Masjid (60 Dome Mosque). Bogra - uma área culturalmente budista. Char Atra - uma ilha baixa situada no Ganges. Paharpur - ruínas de uma antiga vihara budista. Rangamati - a colorida experiência tribal de Bangladesh. Ilha de St Martins - a única ilha de coral do país com pessoas amigas amigas, uma vibração descontraída e cocos de sobra. Sundarbans - a maior floresta de manguezais do mundo, com muita vida de pássaros e lar do muito ilusório Tigre de Bengala Real. Vola - A ilha da beleza Bandarban - A terra do pico mais alto Kushtia - Akhra do famoso cantor de baul Lalan Fakir Editar Visas editar Passageiros de trânsito que continuam sua jornada na primeira aeronave de conexão também não exigem vistos, desde que tenham validade em diante ou Devolver documentação e não sair do aeroporto. Na ocasião, turistas e viajantes de negócios que chegam nos aeroportos de Daca e Chittagong podem receber permissão de pouso pelo Diretor de Imigração Chefe por estadias de até 15 dias, desde que tenham os bilhetes aéreos de retorno. No entanto, esse método é bastante pouco ortodoxo e não está disponível para o traveller2 médio. Existe uma taxa de visto fixa de US 50, mais IVA do BDT 7 (aproximadamente 0.08). Na realidade, eles levam 51 e em algum lugar ao longo da linha 0.92 fica empacotado. Você deve pagar em USD. Isso significa retirar dinheiro no BDT de um caixa eletrônico, no aeroporto, depois pagar no stand da VOA, ou mudar o FOREX para o USDBangladesh Taka em um dos locais de câmbio logo atrás da imigração. Do escritório da VOA perto da imigração, você será acompanhado pela troca de moeda para pagar seu visto. Você pode pagar na maioria das moedas. Você receberá um recibo, que você entrega de volta aos funcionários da VOA. Seus detalhes serão escritos em um grande livro e, em seguida, você será acompanhado para uma mesa de imigração VOA especial. Nenhuma documentação ou fotos são necessárias, embora seja uma boa idéia ter detalhes sobre o seu alojamento impresso. A duração do visto é decidida pelos funcionários da VOA, parece que eles lhe dão o tempo que você pede, mas provavelmente com um máximo de 30 dias. Quem escolhe você de mesa para mesa provavelmente irá assediar você (gentilmente) por uma dica. Esteja pronto para mostrar a papelada indicando convites das referidas organizações governamentais. Como a maioria dos passageiros é bengali ou já tem vistos, raramente há uma fila para VOA. Combinado com uma via de imigração VOA especial, solicitar uma VOA pode ser mais rápido do que chegar com um visto (apenas para turistas). Se você fosse um cidadão bengali em algum momento e agora possuir um passaporte de um país diferente, você pode entrar em contato com o seu Alto Comissariado do Bangladesh para o seu selo Visa sem visto, que funciona como um visto permanente, desde que seu passaporte contenha o carimbo Não expira. Esta opção também está disponível para os filhos e netos cidadãos de Bangladesh. Se você se inscrever no seu país de origem, você geralmente pode obter um visto de 3 meses se chegar pelo ar ou 30 dias se chegar a um cruzamento de fronteira terrestre. As taxas variam de acordo com a nacionalidade e a duração do visto solicitado. Cidadãos australianos - Todos os vistos custam AU150 da Alta Comissão do Bangladesh em Canberra. Para mais informações, visite o site oficial da High Commissions aqui: 3. Consulte a nota acima, onde aparentemente o visto pode ser comprado na chegada. Cidadãos canadenses - Um visto de entrada única por 3 meses é C80 e um visto de entrada múltipla é o C158. O formulário de visto para o Canadá está aqui: 4. Os vistos de turismo agora são emitidos após a chegada por 30 dias no aeroporto e podem ser prorrogados para estadias até 60 dias. Cidadãos do Reino Unido - um visto de entrada simples ou dupla é de 78. Uma entrada múltipla por 6 meses é de 78 e as entradas múltiplas por 12 meses são 270. O Alto Comissariado de Londres está agitado. Um visto de chegada é preferível para lidar com as filas aqui. O formulário de visto do Reino Unido está aqui: 5. O Reino Unido também possui um grande número de escritórios consulares bengalis: 6. Cidadãos dos EUA - A embaixada está em Washington D. C. 7. A taxa de visto é de 160, se for obtida nos EUA, e pode ser solicitada por correio. There are also consulates in Los Angeles 8 and New York 9 who will answer most questions ensure you read the visa requirements sections carefully. A U. S. cashiers check, money order or bank draft should be made payable to Consulate General of Bangladesh. International money orders, personal checks and cash are not acceptable. Visas on Arrival are available to US tourists for up to 30 days (length may differ at some land borders), provided they have at least 500 in cash or travellers checks. The fee of 51 must be paid in cash (USD, EUR or GBP). For all other countries, there is a visa fee list here: 10. The Bangladesh High Commission in Kolkata. Circus Ave ( Just east of AJC Bose Rd ), 91 033 4012 7500, issues only 15 day visas, ranging from free for Indians to a hefty Rs 5000 ( US110) for American citizens. Applications are received at window 4 weekdays from 9-11AM, and visas are generally ready the next afternoon. Bring 3 passport photos and copies of passport and Indian visa. Visa extensions edit Visa extensions are possible in Dhaka at the Immigration and Passport Office on Agargaon Rd. Fees are the same as a single-entry visa, even if just trying to expand your 15 day pittance into a full-fledged 30-90 day visa, making a sidetrip from India for longer than 15 days an expensive endeavor. If you want to stay only a little longer, its better to just pay the overstay fee of Tk 200day for up to 15 days, which grows substantially to Tk 500day thereafter. Some of the smaller backwater crossings such as Tamabil may not even notice that youve overstayed if you dont point it out yourself. By plane edit Shahjalal International Airport (formerly Zia International Airport) (IATA: DAC, ICAO: VGZR) (Bengali: ), in Dhaka is the main gateway to the country, though Chittagong and Sylhet also receive international flights. Be wary of the mosquitos which terrorize the entire airport. The national carrier is Bangladesh Biman 11. connecting with a few flights tothe Middle East. Asia and Europe. It has a less-than-stellar reputation for punctuality, cleanliness and safety. It is now under re-organization and many international routes have been curtailed. Currently, routes to the UK (London amp Manchester), Italy (Rome amp Milan) exist in Europe, as well as a number of Middle Eastern destinations, Kolkata, Kathmandu, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The private carrier United Airways (BD) Ltd 12 operates domestic and regional flights to Dhaka from Bangkok. Delhi. Dubai. Karachi. Kathmandu. Kolkata. Muscat, Jeddah. Riyadh. London, and Kuala Lumpur. and is far better managed than Biman. It is the best localregional carrier currently based in. The Bangladeshs first private carrier, GMG Airlines, has cancelled their entire operation until further notice. Connecting from the Middle East: There are direct flights to Dhaka from Qatar (Qatar Airways), Oman (Oman Air), Bahrain (Gulf Air), Saudi Arabia (Saudia) and the United Arab Emirates on Emirates to Dubai 13 or Etihad Airways to Abu Dhabi 14 ) through which you can connect to most Asian and European capitals and several North American hubs. Emirates, for instance, serves New York, Toronto and Houston from their Dubai (DXB) hub non-stop -- and then connects to Dhaka via a short four-hour hop. Connecting from East Asia: Hong Kong (Chek Lap Kok) and Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) are the most convenient nearby hubs to reach Bangladesh from Eastern Asia (Beijing, Tokyo) and points further East (Western United States). China Eastern Airlines flies frequently to Kunming, and China Southern to their hub in Guangzhou. Both these airlines offer a plethora of Chinese and regional connections, as well as longhual flights to the USA and Australia. Dragonair 15 flies non-stop from Hong Kong to Dhaka (4 5 hours). Hong Kong as a major international hub has very good connections to the rest of the world. Connecting from South East Asia: Tiger Airways 16 flies direct to Dhaka from Singapore, offering the cheapest links if booked early. Singapore Airlines 17 also fly the route, in much more comfort, and at considerable cost. Malaysia Airlines 18 often has cheap rates to Kuala Lumpur. Thai Airways 19 fly daily from Bangkok, with nice daytime schedules. Connecting from North America (East Coast): No direct flights to Dhaka yet. Cathay Pacific 20 has a non-stop route from New York (JFK) to Hong Kong over the North Pole (CX830831). Then you take a short Dragonair flight to Dhaka. Continental 21 flies to Hong Kong non-stop using the same 16-hour polar route, flying from Newark Liberty (New Jersey). Again - the connection is by Dragonair. Connecting from North America (West Coast): Cathay Pacific, Thai amp Singapore Airlines now have non-stop flights from Hong Kong, Bangkok amp Singapore (their respective hub cities) to Los Angeles. Singapore Airlines may also have a direct flight to San Francisco as well. China Southern fly to Los Angeles via Guangzhou. These airlines all have direct connecting flights to Dhaka from their respective hubs. Connecting from Australia or South Africa: Youre better off connecting via the Guangzhou, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore hubs (which are served by almost every airline -- it seems). Connecting from Western Europe: British Airways 22 no longer serves Dhaka non-stop from London. Other than Biman (whom offer the only direct flights), you can connect through most Middle Eastern hubs (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Doha, Riyadh, Jeddah) from Europe. Jet Airways also fly from EuropeAmerica to Dhaka via both Delhi and Mumbai. Connecting from the region (Indian subcontinent): Currently, Jet Airways23 is the only Indian airline flying to Bangladesh, via its hubs (Kolkata, Delhi or Mumbai). The Dhaka-Kolkata flight is also flown by Biman and United Airways. United also fly Kolkata-Chittagong. Air India does not fly to Bangladesh. There are connections on Pakistan International Airlines to Pakistan, and on Mihin Lanka Airlines to Colombo in Sri Lanka. Some regional flights like those operated by Thai Airways 24 stop in Chittagong or Sylhet en route tofrom Dhaka. Nearby regional destinations like Kathmandu (Nepal), Paro (Bhutan), Kunming (China) and all Indian cities are readily accessible from Dhaka in under three hours and are served by a great number of private airlines. The most exotic destination from Dhaka is to Paro (Bhutans Capital) and is served by Druk-Air 25. the national Bhutanese airline on Sundays (9:00 AM flight taking an hour). The approach to Paro Airport (PBH) is an adventure in itself. By bus edit The only open land borders are those with India. No land crossing is possible to Myanmar (occasionally Bangladesh passport holders are allowed to cross from Teknaf. though this changes regularly). From Kolkata edit From India there are a number of land entry points. The most common way is the regular comfortable ac buses from Kolkata to Dhaka via the Haridaspur Benapole border post. Private Bangladeshi bus companies Shohagh 26. Green Line 27. Shyamoli 28 among others operate daily Kolkata-Dhaka-Kolkata bus services. Govt. buses run under the label of the state owned West Bengal Surface Transport Service Corporation (WBSTSC) and the Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 29 (BRTC). WBSTSC and BRTC both operate buses from Kolkata ( Karunamoyee international bus terminus in the Salt Lake neighborhood) every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 5:30AM and 8:30AM, and 12:30PM while from Dhaka they leave on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00AM and 7:30AM. The normal journey time is around 12 hours with a one-way fare of Rs550 or BDT600-800, roughly 8-12. If youre headed only to Haridaspur the fare is Rs86 (2.5 hours). FROM SHILLONG MEGHALYA from shillong you can take early morning taxishared sumobus to reach indian border village dawki. It takes around 2 to 3 hours depending on conditions. Border post is at dawkitamabil. The indian lone immigration officer reaches at the immigration post at around 10:30 am though the timing is 6 am to 6 pm for human crossing. Crossing is hassle free since there is no rush on the indian side and the formalities hardly take 5 minutes or so. on the bangladeshi side the situation is almost the same but keed in mind that bangladeshi immigration officials are a bit poor in spoken english. Bear in mind that on your way back you have to pay 500 taka as departure tax. tax can only be paid in sonali bank amp only a few branches are autorised to collect this tax. They dont take departure tax in cash at land border. From Siliguri edit Shayamoli Paribhahan has a bus service from Siliguri to Dhaka. Phone 8802-8360241, 8801716942154. It cost around 1000(may increase later) Taka for one way ticket. From Agartala edit There is a regular bus service between Dhaka and Agartala. capital of Indias Tripura state. Two BRTC buses leave daily from Dhaka and connect with the Tripura Road Transport Corporation vehicles, running six days a week with a roundtrip fare of BDT600 (10). There is only one halt at Ashuganj in Bangladesh during the journey. Call 880 2 8360241 for schedule. Other entry points from India are Hili. Chilahati Haldibari and Banglaband border posts for entry from West Bengal Tamabil Dawki border post for a route between Shillong (Meghalaya ) and Sylhet in Bangladesh, and some others with lesser known routes from north-eastern Indian regions. By train edit Train services from India were suspended for 42 years, but the Maitree Express started running again between Dhaka to Kolkata in April 2008. The service is biweekly: A Bangledeshi train leaves Dhaka every Saturday, returning on Sunday, while an Indian train leaves Kolkata on Saturdays and returns the next day. Get around edit By plane edit Air travel in Bangladesh is very affordable and convenient. As with most flights, the earlier you book, the better your fare. Flight time is nearly always less than 1 hour, but can save many hours of tedious and dangerous road travel. Dhakas domestic terminal lies next to the International Terminals, within easy walking distance. Check in normally is open from 60 until 30 minutes before departure. The terminal is small, and with few diversions, so dont arrive too early. There are airports in all of the division capitals and in Jessore. Coxs Bazar and some other small cities. United Airways (BD) Ltd 30 operate the most flights, with smaller private operater Regent Airways 31 also competing. National airline Biman 32 also fly domestic routes, although with the retiring of their sole small jet, frequency and range of destinations has dropped significantly. Chittagong is often served with wide body aircraft enroute to the Middle East. Currently, all air routes in the country operate via Dhaka. All three airlines offer online booking and e-tickets. Despite the short distances, on board service is generally good, with water and juices, as well as small snacks handed out. Aircraft used on domestic routes are mainly Western built ATR and Dash prop aircraft. By helicopter edit There are quite a few rotor-wing craft services available for hire in Bangladesh for tourism, MEDEVAC or Film-footage services. Any reputable travel agent will know full details. As of now - one service ATL is at, ATL 33 or at ATL 34. By bus edit Local Bangladeshi buses are generally crowded, often to the extent of people riding on the bus steps (entrance) and sometimes even the roof. The state run Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 35 (BRTC) buses usually fall into this category. Avoid all of the low cost buses - they are easy to spot by their poor condition. There are daily fatal accidents involving them. If you do use them, it is worth noting that they do not usually stop, but rather slow down slightly to let passengers on or off. Additionally, fare collectors, disconcertingly, do not wear uniform making them difficult to identify. If you do not speak the language you may have to simply jump on the bus (literally) and give money to the first person who asks you. However, there are luxurious air conditioned bus services connecting major cities and popular tourist destinations. Green Line 36. Shyamoli 37. SilkLine 38 and Shohagh 39 usually have a couple different offices dotted around the cities they serve. Greenline has a few Scania buses running between Dhaka, Chittagong and Coxs Bazar that offer a level of comfort youve probably never seen in a bus before - they cost about 13 more than their Volvo buses, but are comparable to business class on an airplane, at least. More comfortable and expensive buses use the same over crowded roads, and have the same suicidal drivers as the cheaper buses. Bus stations are often very busy and disorganised. The main Sydabad station in Dhaka is extremely chaotic. The approach to the station can take many hours due to the lack of paved roads, street lights, traffic lights and decorum. You should take care when hainvg luggage stored in the hold of buses, even on the better carrier that will tag your bag. Things do go missing (taken off early, or even, not loaded in the first place. Make sure you out your suitcase in yourself, ideally first, so other luggage is in a thieves firing line. By car edit Driving in Bangladesh is not for the faint hearted - the road network is fairly good, but dodging irrational bus drivers and weaving in and out of rickshaws isnt easy on the nerves. Driving standards are some of the worst in the world, as notable by the many cars which have bumper bars that encircle the whole car. Traffic in Dhaka has reached unimaginable proportions, and self-driving is definitely not advised. Parking places are non-existent. It is highly advised to hire a local driver. Night time driving is substantially more dangerous as trucksbuses often ignore smaller cars road travel at night should be avoided, regardless of whos driving. Officially, cars drive on the left in reality, cars drive on any side of the road. The speed limit is 25 kmh on all urban roads, though it is highly unlikely a vehicle will even reach this speed with the traffic. Many traffic lights have been installed in recent times, but these are often disregarded by both drivers and traffic police. Traffic police direct cars on all major intersections in urban areas. On many country roads, it is illegal to overtake but again, this is completely ignored, with locals employing extremely dangerous manoeuvres when passing the vehicle in front of them. The cities are well lit, but country roads often lack street lighting. Some new inter-city roads have tolls, especially new bridges these are fairly cheap. By train edit Bangladesh Railways 40 is the state and only train operator. The ticket prices are reasonable and usually similar to bus ticket prices and sometimes even cheaper. However, due to the roundabout routes and tricky river crossings, the journey durations are usually much longer. Tickets can be booked over the phone, though unless you speak Bengali youre likely to get better results at one of the computerized station booking offices. Trains are generally comfortable, with more leg room than buses. Though the carriages are generally not very clean, the AC and 1st class seats are manageable. Sulob class is the highest 2nd class ticket, with reserved seating and not much different from 1st class (except in price). Kamlapur Rail Station in Dhaka is large and modern. It serves all major cities but due to the existence of broad gauge and meter gauge tracks around the country it may be required to change trains en route. By boat edit There are over 230 mighty and small rivers throughout the country, and boats and ferries are an integral part of travel for locals and tourists alike. A journey along the river in any mode is probably the best way to see Bangladesh. There are a number of private tour operators offering river sightseeing trips of various lengths, or using the ferries to get between cities is a great way to see the country at a moderate pace. The Rocket Steamer service connects Dhaka and Khulna via Barisal. and is a fantastic way to enjoy riverine Bangladesh, for those who prefer the scenic route. The 4 ferries are operated by BIWTC 41 and run several times per week in each direction. Its advisable to book several days in advance if possible. While there are several different classes its unlikely that you will end up in anything but 1st or 2nd class. Both of these consist of around 10 small berths on the upper deck of the boat with 2 beds each and a sink (no doubt doubling as a urinal), and fairly clean shared bathrooms. Theres a central diningsitting room in each class with a chef cooking Bengali meals and the odd fish-and-chips or an omelette for around Tk 50-150. Cheaper food can be bought at the vendors in the lower classes on the bottom level. First class is at the front of the boat, with the bow made into a nice sitting area. If youre traveling single you must book 2 beds if you want a berth guaranteed to yourself in either class, though unless the boat is completely full its unlikely theyll put someone in a foreigners room even if you just pay for one. The full journey takes anywhere from 26-30 hours and costs Tk 1010610 in firstsecond class. Its best avoided during the rainy seasons and during holidays when the launches get over crowded with home-returning city dwellers. The more eco-friendly may prefer to take their trash off with them: otherwise, its likely to end up in the river at the end of the journey. BIWTC also operates many other more basic ferries that may be useful for smaller distances. Talk edit The national language is Bengali ( Bangla ) and is spoken everywhere. Its an Indo-Aryan language derived from Prakit, Pali and Sanskrit and written in its own script. Many Bangladeshis understand only limited English such as basic affirmatives, negatives, and some numbers. This is especially so in rural areas and among the lower socio-economic classes. Learning a few Bengali words ahead of your trip will prove very useful. Two centuries of British colonisation lead people to identify most white foreigners as either British or Americans, and to view them with curiosity. The first question you will probably be asked is What is your country (Desh kothay in Bangla). If hawkers or rickshaw-wallahs are over-zealous in selling you their products or services, simply say Amar dorkar nai (I dont need this item) or Lagbey nah (No need) as a colloquial way of saying No, thanks. If you dont wish to give money to beggars and other unfortunates, simply tell them Maaf koro (with informal you) or Maaf koren (with politeformal you), which means Pardon me or you can apply a tricky concept by saying Amar bangthi poisha nai, meaning I have no change. Above all, if youre refusing a service or product, dont linger. Walk on as you say these phrases. Otherwise, your lingering may be misinterpreted by peddlers as your uncertainty about refusal. If you plan to travel beyond the cities it is best to engage a travel guide or an interpreter or buy a tour package that offers you both. See edit add listing Bangladesh as a vacation land has many facets. Her tourist attractions include archaeological sites, historic mosques and monuments, resorts, beaches, picnic spots, forest and wildlife. Bangladesh offers opportunities for angling, water-skiing, river cruising, hiking, rowing, surfing, yachting and sea bathing as well as bringing one in close touch with Mother Nature. She is also rich in wildlife and game birds. Ham-Ham Waterfall - One of the biggest waterfall of the country Sundarbans UNESCO world heritage site, largest Mangrove forest of the earth Coxs Bazar worlds longest uninterrupted natural sandy sea beach St. Martins Island Bangladeshs only coral island Keokradong peak - One of The highest peak of the country Nafa-khum Waterfall - The largest waterfall of Bangladesh also a place to enjoy rafting on local boats Lawachara National Park - IUCN category V protected landscape, a tropical forest of Bangladesh Darjilling Para - Most cleanest village of Bangladesh Bisana Kandi - A beautiful landscape beside Meghaloy Jaflong - The heaven of Bangladesh Nijhum Dip - The Island of beauty Puran Dhaka - The city of Mughal Emperor Sonargaon - The city of Mughal Architecture Mohasthangor - 1000 years old buddhist architecture Ratargul Jolabon - The Amazon Of The Bangladesh If you arrive at a historic monument after it has already closed for the day, it may be possible to pay a security guard an after hours tour fee to be quickly taken around a site. Nationalized symbols of Bangladesh What will it cost 2160L bottled water: Tk 23 Cup of tea: Tk 5 Newspaper: Tk 8 Candy bar: Tk 15 CokePepsi: Tk 15 Pair of readymade trousers: c. Tk 250 The currency of Bangladesh is the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) with two symbols commonly see locally: Tk and . As of February 2014, US1 Tk 77.42. Bangladesh is one of the largest ready-made garment manufacturers in the world, exporting clothing for famous brands such as Nike, Adidas and Levis. Though these products are usually not meant for sale in the local markets, they can be found in abundance in famous shopping areas such as Banga Bazaar and Dhaka College. In most stores, prices are not fixed. Even most stores that display fixed-price label tolerate bargaining. Prices can thus be lowered quite considerably. If bargaining is not your strong point ask a local in the vicinity politely what they think you should pay. Besides there are loads of handicraft, boutique shops. There are lots of shopping malls in and around Dhaka and Chittagong. Foreigners will usually be changed a higher cost, however you will not usually be priced gouged, with what you are changed usually being only slightly more than what the locals would pay, with the difference for small items often being only a matter of a few US cents. Aarong is one of the largest and most popular handicraft and clothing outlets with stores in Dhaka. Chittagong. Sylhet and Khulna. Its a great place for souvenirs or to pick up a stylish kurta or salwar kameez at fixed prices. Women can find a cotton shalwar kameez for around Tk 400 in a market or Tk 800-1500 in a shop. Silk is more expensive. ATMs can be found in most metropolitan areas. Dutch Bangla Bank has the largest ATM network in Bangladesh and finding one isnt hard (there is one at the airports of both Dhaka and Chittagong). These ATMs accept all Mastercard and Visa creditdebit cards. Most international banks in the country such as Standard Chartered and Citibank also rely on the Dutch-Bangla Bank Nexus ATM network for their own clients. HSBC ATMs are located at most hotels but accept only Visa debitcredit cards and HSBC GlobalAccess cards (no MasterCard). Most ATMs are usually quite safe to use as most will be set inside a building with a security guard standing (or more likely sitting) guard at the door. Eat edit add listing Bangladesh is a fish lovers paradise. Traditionally most of the country lives off of the once-bountiful fresh-water river fish, especially the officially designated national fish Hilsa . The Hilsa has a nice flavour but some may find the many fine bones difficult to manage if you can master eating this fish, consider yourself on par with the locals in fish-eating and deboning expertise. Various recipes exist for cooking Hilsa, suitable for all seasons and all regions of the country. Mutton is also popular, as in most Muslim countries, as is decidedly lean or hard chicken. Rice is almost always the staple side dish. Mixed vegetable curries are plentiful - potato, eggplant, squash and tomatoes are the staple ingredients. Gourds, tubers and certain root vegetables are common. In the major cities (Dhaka, Chittagong, etc.), you will find a larger variety of vegetables than in rural areas. The idea of salad varies from the international standard. In Bangladesh, salad has not been extensively developed, and kacha (raw) vegetables are generally not deemed very appetizing or palatable (with the exception of cucumbers), especially in more rural or suburban areas and in less Westernized households. Traditionally, most salad vegetables (carrots, celery, lettuce, paprika, etc.) were not even grown in most agrarian households, so the use of these vegetables was extremely rare. Hence, borrowing from the Mughal traditions, a few round slices of onions and cucumbers, spiced with salt, chilies, etc. is often treated as a full plate of salad. Dal is usually a given side dish or meal course for all households, even the poorest or most rural (who often cannot afford any other daily meal courses). Most Bangladeshi dal varies from its West Bengali counterpart, and even more so from its other Indian counterparts, primarily because it is more watery and less concentrated or spiced. An easy analogy would be that whereas most Indian dal is more like thick stew, most Bangladeshi dal is more like light soup or broth. The Hindus of Bangladesh have greater varieties of Dal recipes, just as they have greater varieties of vegetarian dishes. The Muslims have thicker and more spiced varieties of dal. Dal recipes vary regionally in Bangladesh, so be careful not to over-generalize after a brief experience. Boiled eggs ( dhim ) are a popular snack (Tk 3-5), and fresh fruit is abundant, such as bananas (Tk 2ea), apples (Chinese, Tk 80-100kg), oranges, grapes, pomegranates and papayas. Delicious and diverse, mangos (Tk 50-150kg) are a very popular fruit throughout Bangladesh. Fast food restaurants and bakeries serving burgers, kababs, spring rolls, vegetable patties and just about anything else you can throw in a deep fryer are dotted around most cities. Most items will run around Tk 10each. Bangladesh also has international fast food chains like Pizza Hut, KFC, AampW, Nandos, Tekiya. To enjoy the tastes of Dhaka one needs to go to old Dhaka. The Haji biriyani, Nanna biriyani are a must. Also Al Razzak restaurant is famous for its Shahi food. To savour local food one must go to Korai Gost at Dhanmondi Satmosjid road, Kasturi restaurant at Gulshan amp Purana Paltan area. No one should leave Bangladesh without tasting the Phuchka and Chatpati available in the streets of Dhaka, Chittagong. Also there are loads of Chinese and Thai restaurants in Bangladesh which serve localized chinese and thai dishes. Bailey road in Dhaka is the unofficial food street of the nation followed by Satmoshjid Road. Dhaka also has Japanese, Korean and Indian restaurants located mostly in Gulshan area. For world class Ice creams do visit Moven pick, Club gelato in Gulshan. To taste Kebab, Babecue tonight in Dhanmondi is the best followed by Koyla in Gulshan. Most Bangladeshis eat with their right hand as in neighboring countries. Never use your left hand to bring food to your mouth, though its ok to use it for bringing a glass to your mouth or to serve food from a common dish with a spoon. Every restaurant will have a handwashing station (sometimes just a pitcher of water and a bowl if they dont have running water), and you should use this before and after the meal. To eat with your hand, rake in a little portion of the rice and a bit of the curry to an open space on your plate (usually create a bit of space on the side of the plate closest to you, sufficiently inward from the rim but NOT in the centre of the plate), and mix the rice and curry with your fingers. Then, create a little ball or mound (it should be compact and modestly sized, but does not need to be perfectly shaped or anything--function over form) of the mixture and pick it up with all your fingers, and scoop in into your mouth. Your fingers should not enter your mouth in the process, and your upper fingers and palms should not get dirty either. Only toddlers and foreignerstourists are exempted from these rules. It doesnt matter a whole lot if you dont get it all exactly right, but know that the entire restaurant is watching and waiting to see if you do. Attempting to eat with your hands and failing miserably will raise many a smile. The use of cutlery (except serving spoons for common dishes) is lacking in rural areas and poorer households, and only basic cutlery of spoons, or sometimes a fork is sometimes available in urban restaurants and more Westernised, urban households. However, the use of hands is a more humble and culturally respectful gesture, especially from a tourist. Table-sharing is acceptable and even expected in most establishments, with the exception of nicer urban restaurants. Many places have separate curtained-off booths for women and families, a nice reprieve from prying eyes. Drink edit add listing Nightlife in Bangladesh is nearly non-existent. Being a Muslim country, alcohol is frowned upon and found mostly in the international clubs and pricier restaurants in Dhaka and in some restaurants in tourist centers like Coxs Bazar. In Teknaf and on Saint Martins Island you may stumble upon the occasional beer smuggled in from Myanmar. Some of the nicest hotels in the cities have fully equipped bars with exaggerated prices to match. However, lack of commercial availability of liquor should not always be confused with cultural aversion to alcohol in mainstream society. Youll likely find that Bengali Christians and many urbanized, upper-class Muslims privately have a more liberal, Westernized attitude toward social consumption of alcohol. However most 5 Star Hotels like Radisson, Ruposhi Bangla (Former Sheraton), Shonargoan, Regency and few clubs in Gulshan are arranging DJ Dance parties on frequent basis. Foreigners may bump into one of those parties if they are lucky. Usual entrance fees of such parties are around BDT 2000- (USD 30). Young people of upper class and higher upper class of the society are the main portion of the formed crowd. However in some places, western clothed hired companions are available. Foreigners looking for a clean vacation should stay away from them using common sense. Liquires does not flow freely in these parties most of the time. Purchasing alcohol is very hard (and expensive), so if you need a drink, or imagine you will do so, it is recommended to buy a bottle of duty free to take with you. There is a small duty free shop before immigration in Dhaka Airport, although the selection is poor. If you are visiting an expatriate in Bangladesh, ask if they would like some duty free. the answer will invariably be yes Native homemade liquor such as Mohua or Choani can be bought from tribal people of the South-Eastern districts (Chittagong Hill Tracts) if you are visiting. Made from nectar, fruits or rice, these drinks are quite strong (Choani has two more varieties: Dochoani and Techoani, meaning they were distilled twice or thrice) and go well with the pork the natives cook. Coffee is -- like the rest of the world, a perennial middle-class Adda (gossip) accompaniment in this city. In most places instant coffee will be the best you can find. Tea is everywhere. Ask for red tea if you do not want milk. Fruit juices are plentiful, varied and delicious, though be wary of watered down or icy drinks and dirty blenders. Raw sugarcane juice is widely available during the hot season, and usually a safe, sanitary bet. Other safe bets are coconuts . popular in the southeast tourists spots like Coxs Bazar and Saint Martins Island. Soft Drinks are widely available. Diet versions are limited to Coke or Pepsi, and are hard to find outside of supermarkets in Dhaka or Chittagong. Do edit add listing Bangladesh is a large and densely populated country. However, the casual tourist may find it difficult to navigate this country, where tourism by Westerners is virtually unknown. Perhaps one of Bangladeshs greatest treasures are its people the country is packed with friendly, honest, and amiable locals who are willing to spend time acquainting themselves with the passing tourist. Crowd of locals surrounding you to inquire about your home country, job, marital status, etc. may at first be disconcerting--but dont worry, the locals have good intentions. The people can be impressionable, so make sure to leave a positive impact. Sleep edit add listing This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: Theres a broad range of hotels in the country, from economy hotels costing 1 per night (sometimes filthy and sometimes reluctant to take foreigners) up to 5-star hotels in some of the major cities. Compared to nearby destinations (e. g. India and Thailand), the accommodation situation in Bangladesh is of a lower qualitystandard, even if this is not reflected in the prices. This is particularly noticeable in the 5 bracket, where international chains and local boutique hotels have very high prices on what would be 4 (or even 3) hotels across the border. Visit edit Bangladesh is a country with lots of places to visit, many of which offer unforgettable experiences but remain relatively unknown to the rest of the world. Dhaka (the Capital) is a pulsing, gritty conglomerate, one of the most densely populated cities in the world. It has a number of attractions for the tourists. They include, but are not limited to, the Lalbagh Quilla, Ahsan Manjil, Shaheed Minar, Boro Katra, Choto Katra, the National Museum, Jatiyo Songshad Bhaban(the Parliament Building) etc. The Suhrawardy Uddan and the Ramna Park are two parks that provide green respite to city dwellers. Other tourist attractions include places like Baitul Mukarram (National Mosque), the High Court Building, the Bangabandhu Museum, etc. If youre visiting only one thing, then the LalBagh Qilla fort is a must-see, in the older part of town. The older part of Dhaka, known as Puran Dhaka, is literally a city of history, with hundred-year-old buildings crammed on each side of hundreds of narrow lanes. Each Moholla (city block) of Puran Dhaka is unique with its specialized shops and artisans and gives an authentic taste of what Dhaka is all about. The rest of Bangladesh is also ornamented with thousands of gems, most of which remain hidden and await exploration. The names are endless, but the prominent ones include, Moynamoti, Paharpur (Shompur Bihar), Mohasthangor, Kantajir Mondir, Ramshagor, Shatgombuj Mosque, Khanjahan Alis Shrine, Shriti Shoudho etc. These sites offer architectures from various eras of the countrys history, including Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim eras and date back thousand years. The natural beauty of Bangladesh can be explored away from the hustle and bustle of Dhaka, the Capital. ( Bangladesh has world longest unbroken Surfing beach in Coxs Bazaar ). Also, it has the largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans (beautiful forests, named after the Sundari beautiful trees in it). The hill tracts of Rangamati, Khagrachori and Bandarban (monkey forest) offer exciting trekking opportunities, while the Kaptai Lake (situated amongst the hills of Rangamati) can be considered a romantic getaway. The villages are the true countryside of Bangladesh and almost always have green paddy fields and yellow mustard fields with flowing rivers. Other natural wonders of Bangladesh include the Padma (Ganges) river, the Madhabkunda, Jaflong, the tea gardens of SylhetSreemangal and Moulovibazar, etc. Recently Bangladesh Government has formed Tourist Police unit to better protect local and foreign tourists as well as look after the nature and wildlife in the tourist spots. Work edit Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment . 42. Board of Investment . 43. Work permit in Bangladesh . 44. Stay safe edit Bangladesh is a country full of friendly and open minded people. But being a poor country with a high poverty rate, there are some impoverished or bad-natured people who may find ways to exploit a foreignertourist. Please stick to common sense precautions, such as not walking around unnecessarily or alone after dark. Also, if you do find yourself in trouble, create some noise and draw the attention of others who are almost certain to come to your aid. Foreigners, particularly Caucasian, will for the most part will be safe when walking around city streets as you will undoubtedly be watched by multiple curious locals at any one time. When travelling by rickshaw, CNG (auto-rickshaw) or bus, be careful to keep valuables close at hand. Dont wear expensive jewellery without precaution most middle-class locals now simply wear imitation goldsilver and rhinestonesclay and beaded pendants. Phone snatching is very common here. Dont exhibit your costly mobiles on the roads. Be careful in autos also. Even the autos are covered with iron grills, still many chances for cutting the side covers and pulling the valuables is common practice by the chain snatchers. The clothing of local women varies, according to religion and degree of religious conservatism, socio-political climate (varies from time to time), geographic region, and socio-economic status. In general, as a female tourist, it is wisest to wear at least the salwar kameez, which is both easy to wear and relatively versatile and functional, while being generally culturally respectful. However, most of Bangladesh is a relatively open-minded Muslim country, and the youth in major cities (e. g. Dhaka, Chittagong, etc.) are quite Westernized. Nationwide strikes or hartals are widely employed as a means of political expression in Bangladesh. The political opposition over the past several years has called a number of these hartals, resulting in the virtual shutdown of transportation and commerce, and sometimes attacks on individuals who do not observe the hartals. Clashes between rival political groups during hartals have resulted in deaths and injuries. Visitors should avoid all political protests, demonstrations, and marches. During hartals, visitors should exercise caution in all areas and remain indoors whenever possible. Hartals, demonstrations, and other protests can occur at ANY time. Its best to not eat, drink or smoke anything offered to you by strangers - theres a growing problem in many Asian countries of drugging, and youre likely to see signs warning you against it on buses, trains, etc. Thats not to say you shouldnt take someone up on their offer for a home cooked meal, but you may want to think twice about that piece of candy the person in the seat next to you just handed to you. Also, be careful about the sanitation procedures of local street food and snacks. Speeding buscoachestrucks cause many deaths. Road signs and traffic lights are often ignored by cars, and traffic jams are always a given, making it very difficult for pedestrians to travel. It is wisest NOT to drive yourself or to walk major roads alone. Consequently, road travel (if absolutely necessary) is best undertaken with an experienced local driver in a good vehicle with safety belts. Use rickshaws with precaution although a very authentic local drive, it is also the most dangerous vehicle for transport, especially on major routes (now being banned). Be aware of the weather, especially during the spring and fall. Bangladesh has a similar climate to the Southeastern United States. This, unfortunately, includes severe thunderstorms and violent tornadoes that can appear suddenly and without warning. Stay healthy edit Bottled water is recommended, as the tap water is often unsafe for foreign stomachs, and some hand-drawn tube wells are contaminated with naturally occurring arsenic. This will easily pass through filters designed only to screen out bacteria. A more environmentally friendly option is to boil your own water, or use purifying tablets. However, nothing short of distillation will remove arsenic. Its also wise to use discretion when eating from street vendors - make sure its freshly cooked and hot. Mosquitoes can be abundant in some areas and cities, especially during the rainy and humid seasons, and nets covering your bed at night are often provided, even in some of the cheapest hotels and in all households. Consult your travel doctor about precautions against malaria and typhoid fever. Get vaccinated and take preventive and curative medication with you before you go. Pollution can be a problem, and in some of the cities like Dhaka and Chittagong you may wish youd brought along an oxygen tank. While some effort has been shown recently to clean up the country such as the banning of plastic bags, theres still a long way to go and most people use the many waterways as garbage dumps - it would be unwise to swim in most of the rivers and downright senseless in a lake. Respect edit Amar dike takaben na Foreign tourists are still very much a novelty to many Bangladeshis: kids see you as a toy to play with, while others see you as their opportunity to practice their English with endless enthusiasm. Most however, are content to just look. and look. and look. If it becomes too much, Amar dike takaben na roughly means please stop staring at me. but use the exclamation sparingly, since most Bangladeshis will think they are favouring you by admiring you so much publicly. Most Bangladeshis are religious but fairly liberal and secular points of view are not uncommon. The people are in general very hospitable, and a few precautions will keep it this way: As in most neighbouring countries, the left hand is considered unclean and is used for toilet duties, removing shoes, etc. Hence, always use your right hand to offer or receive anything, and to bring food to your mouth. Men, especially strangers and foreigners, should never attempt to shake hands with or touch local women 8212 simply put your hand on your heart and bow slightly to greet. Women travelling without men may find it slightly harder to get an auto-rickshaw driver who will take them to their destination. Mosques are sometimes off-limits to non-Muslims and certain areas of them off-limits to women. Inquire with someone at the mosque before entering and before taking any pictures. Cover your head and arms and legs, and take off your shoes before entering. Standing from your seat and bowing slightly to greet elderly individuals will gain you respect and social approval. Do not refer to your elders or those in socially senior positions to you (i. e. doctors, professorsteachers, religious leaders, etc.) by their first names this is considered extremely rude and utmostly derogatory. Children do not call their parents by their first or last names, and in some regions of the country, wives do not call their husbands by their first names either. Keep in mind that Bangladesh sees only a tiny number of foreign visitors, and most locals will be genuinely curious about you, watching your every move and expression. Dont underestimate how impressionable some can be, make sure youre leaving good ones Also keep in mind, that whenever you enter someones home, open your shoes before you enter. Wearing shoes into someones home is considered extremely rude and insulting. Cope edit Electricity edit Electricity is 220V 50Hz. There are three types of electrical outlets likely to be found in Bangladesh 8212 the old British standard BS-546, the newer British standard BS-1363 and the European standard CEE-716 Europlug. Its wise to pack adapters for all three. Clothing edit Most women wear either a sari or a salwar kameez an easyready-to-wear, three-piece outfit, with a knee-length tunic (kameez), pants (salwar) and a matching scarf (urna). Foreign women may want to consider wearing at least the salwar kameez, out of general cultural respect. Having said this, rapid westernization has changed how modern city dwellers dress, especially the upper class. Jeans, shirts and t-shirts are common among the younger generation, although remember its polite to keep your shoulders, chest and legs covered. This also goes for men shorts are worn only by young boys, and undershirts are worn alone (without a shirt covering it) only by the lowest class in public. Shaving edit Men can easily leave their razors at home and rely on the ever-present barber shops where a basic shave will run around Tk 10-20. Make sure they use a new blade, though you wont usually have to ask. Deluxe shaves will run around double price and barbers will often assume foreign tourists want this, so be clear if youre just after a quick shave and dont want the dubious massage and foreheadnose shaving. Tipping edit In upscale restaurants around 7 is expected, but outside of these at informal food joints and with street food vendors, its the exception not the rule. Consider tipping the driver and delivery men modestly. News edit FM Radio Stations edit ABC Radio (Dhaka) - 89.2 MHz 51 Radio Foorti-88.0 MHz (Dhaka), 98.4 MHz (Chittagong), 89.8 MHz (Sylhet) 52 Radio Today - 89.6 MHz(Dhaka), 88.6MHz(Chittagong) 53 Radio Aamar 88.4 MHz(Dhaka) Bangladesh Betar (Relays BBC World Service) - 100.00 MHz Overseas Embassies edit Contact edit Telephone edit The country code for Bangladesh is 880 . Add a 0 to make a call to any Bangladesh city or region outside the national capital. It is not possible to access international information (directory assistance) from within Bangladesh. If you need international directory assistance, check the Internet telephone directories. Landlines are a rarity in Bangladesh, and arent reliable even when you can find them. Bangladesh Telephone Company Ltd. (BTCL or formerly BTTB, known generally as TampT) is the public sector phone company and the only landline service in the country. Mobile phones are a better bet and widely available. In most towns theyll be your only option, and many shop owners let theirs double as PCOs ISDs. Banglalink 55 and Grameenphone 56 are the most widely available, followed by Citycell 57. Robi 58. Teletalk 59 and Airtel 60. Except Citycell all work on the GSM network and offer prepaid packages at reasonable prices 8211 usually about Tk 140 (2) to get started. International calls are possible, and often more reasonably priced than you would expect if youre calling the US or major European countries although prices can rise drastically as you get more off the beaten path. E-ISD facility offered by different mobile phone service providers can reduce the cost significantly. For the E-ISD service dial 012 instead of 00. Internet edit Internet is available in most of the larger towns, with prices hovering around Tk 15-20hour. Most are on broadband connections, but speed does not meet international standards. WiMAX service is now available from some internet service providers. You can also find Wi-Fi connectivity in some places around the big cities. Internet calls may be be possible, though the Information Ministry has outlawed them. Try Dialpad 61. Hotelphone 62. Mediaring 63 or Skype 64. Youll likely need your own microphoneheadphone. This country guide is usable . It has links to this countrys major cities and other destinations (and all are at usable status or better ), a valid regional structure and information about this countrys currency, language, cuisine, and culture is included. At least the most prominent attraction is identified with directions. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow

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